Class 12 Computer Science 083
Python Revision Tour Set 2
Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)
21. Is Python case-sensitive when dealing with identifiers?
a) Yes
b) No
c) Machine dependent
d) None of these
22. Which of the following is an invalid variable?
a) name_of_student
b) 2_name_of_student
c) student_name_2
d) None of these
23. Which of the following is not a keyboar?
a) eval
b) nonlocal
c) pass
d) assert
24. Which of the following cannot be a variable?
a) in
b) it
c) __init__
d) on
25. Which of these is not a a core data type?
a) class
b) list
c) dictionary
d) tuple
26. How do you write pt in Python as an expression?
a) p$t
b) p**t
c) p^t
d) p*t
27. How you will write the formula of compound interest in Python?
a) p * 1 + r/100 ** t
b) p * 1 + r/100 ** t – p
c) p * (1 + r/100)**t – p
d) None of these
28. Which of the following is an invalid statement in Python?
a) a=10,500
b) a,b = 10,500
c) a = b = 10
d) a b = 10 500
29. Which value type does print() return?
a) String
b) Integer
c) Boolean
d) None
30. Which value type does input() return?
a) String
b) Integer
c) Boolean
d) None
31. Which of the following is not a valid keyword?
a) yield
b) lambda
c) final
d) finally
32. Which of the following is not a valid keyword?
a) else
b) delete
c) global
d) from
33. In Python, String can be written in ______ ways?
a) 1
b) 2
c) 3
d) 4
34. In Python, String can be ___________.
a) Single line strings
b) Multi-line strings
c) Both (a) and (b)
d) None
35. In Python, String (i.e. sequence of characters) can be surrounded by ___________.
a) Single quote ‘ ‘
b) Double quote ” “
c) Triple quote ”’ ”’ or “”” “””
d) All of these
36. Which of the following is a valid multi line string?
a) name = “mycs \”
b) name =””” mycs”””
c) name = ”’ mycs”’
d) All of these