Class 9 IT 402 Unit 1 Introduction to IT-ITeS Industry Question Answer

Unit 1 Introduction to IT-ITeS Industry

NCERT Book-based Important Question Answer

1. ICT stands for ______.

Answer: Information and Communication Technology.

2. IT stands for ______.

Answer: Information Technology.

3. ITeS stands for ______.

Answer: Information Technology enabled Services.

4. What do you mean by Information Technology (IT)?

Answer: Information Technology (IT) means creating, managing, storing, and exchanging information.

IT includes all types of technology used to deal with information, such as computer hardware and software technology used for creating, storing, and transferring information.

5. How Computer works?

Answer: A computer takes data as input, processes it, and produces the results as output.

6. What is Data?

Answer: Data refers to the facts or raw material, which are processed to get the information.

7. What is Information?

Answer: The information is the result of data processing.

8. What are the benefits of IT in business?

Answer: IT has several benefits for a business,

  • It helps in reaching more potential customers,
  • Developing a business relationship with potential customers,
  • Streamlining operations,
  • Reducing costs,
  • Improving efficiency,
  • Maximising profit,
  • Minimising waste,
  • Providing better service to customers,
  • Supporting better relationships with key partners, and
  • Allowing customers to better guide the business.

9. What is ITeS?

Answer: Information Technology that enables the business by improving the quality of service is Information Technology enabled Services (ITeS).

ITeS is also called web-enabled services or remote services.

10. Write the name of career options provided by ITeS?

Answer: ITeS services provide a wide range of career options that include opportunities in all offices like call centres, payrolls,logistics management, revenue claims processing, medical billing, coding, medical transcription, legal databases, back office operations, content development, GIS (geographical information system), web services and Human Resource (HR) services, etc.

11. What is the advantage of E-enabled service?

Answer: E-enabled services radically reduce costs and improve Notes service standards.

In short, Internet service provider aims to provide B2B e-commerce solutions.

12. Write the name of single delivery integrated services to end users?

Answer: The services may include:

  • Medical Transcription,
  • Customer Relationship
  • Management,
  • Data Entry and Data Processing,
  • Software development,
  • Data Warehousing,
  • IT Help
  • Desk Services,
  • Enterprise Resource Planning and
  • Telecommunication Services

13. BPO stands for?

Answer: BPO – Business Processing Outsourcing

14. What is BPO?

Answer: Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) services means performing business operations through an outside service provider.

The BPO industry is highly organised and hence various kinds of jobs are outsourced in India.

15. Write the name of five BPO services?

Answer: Five BPO Services are

a) Financial and Accounting Services
(b) Taxation and Insurance Services
(c) E-Publishing and Web Promotion
(d) Legal Services and Content Writing
(e) Multimedia and Design Services
(f) Document Management Services
(g) Software Testing Services
(h) Health Care Services

16. Write the full form of BPM and GDP.

Answer: BPM – Business Process Management, GDP – Gross Domestic Product

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