Computer Science

CBSE Board Class 12 Answer Key Computer Science 083

Computer Science Answer Key Term 2 Board Examination

Computer Science 083 Term – II Answer Key Answer Key SECTION – A Question 1 – Answer LIFO, pop(), List.pop() Question 2 – Answer (i) VOiP = Voice Over Internet Protocol, PPP – Point-to-Point Protocol    (ii) PAN Question 3 – Answer Attribute – the columns of a relation are the attributes that are also […]

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Class 11 Computer Science Ch 10 Tuples and Dictionary in Python NCERT Book Exercise Solution

tuples and dictionary ncert exercise solution

Chapter – 10 : Tuples and Dictionary Summary (A Quick Recap) • Tuples are immutable sequences, i.e., we cannot change the elements of a tuple once it is created. • Elements of a tuple are put in round brackets separated by commas. • If a sequence has comma separated elements without parentheses, it is also

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Class 11 Computer Science Ch 11 Societal Impacts NCERT Book Exercise Solution

societal impacts ncert solution class 11 computer science

Ch 11 Societal Impacts Summary (A quick recap) • Digital footprint is the trail of data we leave behind when we visit any website (or use any online application or portal) to fill-in data or perform any transaction. • A user of digital technology needs to follow certain etiquettes like net-etiquettes, communicationetiquettes and social media-etiquettes.

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Class 11 Computer Science Ch 9 Lists in Python NCERT Book Exercise Solution

lists in python ncert exercise question answer

Chapter – 9 : Lists Summary (A Quick Recap) • Lists are mutable sequences in Python, i.e., we can change the elements of the list. • Elements of a list are put in square brackets separated by comma. • A list within a list is called a nested list. • List indexing is same as

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Class 11 Computer Science Ch 8 Strings in Python NCERT Book Exercise Solution

stings in python exercise solution

Chapter – 8 : Strings Summary (A Quick Recap) • A string is a sequence of characters enclosed in single, double or triple quotes. • Indexing is used for accessing individual characters within a string. • The first character has the index 0 and the last character has the index n-1 where n is the

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Class 11 Computer Science Ch 7 Functions in Python NCERT Book Exercise Solution

Python Functions

Chapter – 7 : Functions in Python Summary (A Quick Recap) • In programming, functions are used to achieve modularity and reusability. • Function can be defined as a named group of instructions that are executed when the function is invoked or called by its name. Programmerscan write their own functions known as user defined

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Class 11 Computer Science Ch 6 Flow of Control NCERT Exercise Solution

flow of control ncert exercise solution

Chapter – 6 : Flow of Control NCERT Book Exercise Solution Summary (A Quick Recap) • The if statement is used for selection or decision making. • The looping constructs while and for allow sections of code to be executed repeatedly under some condition. • for statement iterates over a range of values or a

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Class 12 Computer Science Ch 11 Data Communication NCERT Book Exercise Solution

data communication ncert exercise solution

Class 12 Computer Science Ch-11 Data Communication NCERT Book Exercise Solution (Scroll down to view the solution) A Quick Review – Summary • Data communication refers to the exchange of data between two or more networked or connected devices like laptops, PC, printers, routers etc. • Sender, receiver, messages, channel and protocols are major components

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Class 12 Computer Science Ch 10 Computer Network NCERT Book Exercise Solution

Computer Network NCERT Book Exercise Solution

Class 12 Computer Science Ch-10 Computer Network NCERT Book Exercise Solution A Quick Review – Summary • A computer network is an interconnection among two or more computers or computing devices. • A computer network allows computers to share data and resources among each other. • Networking devices are used to connect multiple computers in

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Class 12 Computer Science Structured Query Language SQL NCERT Book Exercise Solution

Class 12 Computer Science Structured Query Langugae NCERT Exercise solution

Class 12 Computer Science Ch-9 Structured Query Language (SQL) NCERT Book Exercise Solution A Quick Review • Database is a collection of related tables. MySQL is a ‘relational’ DBMS. • DDL (Data Definition Language) includes SQL statements such as, Create table, Alter table and Drop table. • DML (Data Manipulation Language) includes SQL statements such

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Class 12 Computer Science Chapter 8 Database Concepts NCERT Exercise Solution

Class 12 Computer Science Database Concepts NCERT Exercise solution

Quick Review – Summary File : A file in a file system is a container to store data in a computer.Disadvantage of File System : File system suffers from Data Redundancy, Data Inconsistency, Data Isolation, Data Dependence and Controlled Data sharing.DBMS : Database Management System (DBMS) is a software to create and manage databases. A

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Class 12 Computer Science File Handling in Python MCQs Set 9

File Handling in Python MCQ's

Python File Handling File Handling in Python MCQ’s Set – 9 Multiple Choice Questions Directions (Q.No 161-166) : Solve the question 161 to 166, to complete the function CountRec() A file “STUDENT.DAT” has structure (admission_number, Name, Percentage). A function countrec() in Python that would read contents of the file “STUDENT.DAT” and display the details of

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Class 12 Computer Science File Handling in Python MCQs Set 6

File Handling in Python MCQ's

Python File Handling File Handling in Python MCQ’s Set – 6 Multiple Choice Questions Answer Que Number 101 to 105 on the basis of given instructions and code. Your teacher has given you a method/function FilterWords() in python which read lines from a text file NewsLetter.TXT, and display those words, which are lesser than 4

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Class 12 Computer Science File Handling in Python MCQs Set 3

File Handling in Python MCQ's

Python File Handling File Handling in Python MCQ’s Set – 3 Multiple Choice Questions 41. The default file-open mode is ___________. a) read b) write c) append d) None of these 42. Write a command to open a file named “mybio.txt” in write mode? a) fileobject = open (“mybio.txt”, “w”) b) fileobject = open(“mybio.txt”) c)

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