Class 12 Artificial Intelligence Code 843 Question Paper 2023 Solution with pdf

Class 12 CBSE Board Question Paper 2023 Artificial Intelligence Code 843 – Solution

CBSE Board Question Paper with Solution for Class XII (Session 2022-2023)

Max. Time: 2 Hours Max. Marks: 50

General Instructions:

  1. Please read the instructions carefully.
  2. This Question Paper consists of 21 questions in two sections: Section A & Section B.
  3. Section A has Objective type questions whereas Section B contains Subjective type questions.
  4. Out of the given (5 + 16 =) 21 questions, a candidate has to answer (5 + 10 =) 15 questions in the
    allotted (maximum) time of 2 hours.
  5. All questions of a particular section must be attempted in the correct order.
    i. This section has 05 questions.
    ii. Marks allotted are mentioned against each question/part.
    iii. There is no negative marking.
    iv. Do as per the instructions given.
    i. This section has 16 questions.
    ii. A candidate has to do 10 questions.
    iii. Do as per the instructions given.
    iv. Marks allotted are mentioned against each question/part.

Section – A

(Objective Type Questions)
Que 1.  Answer any 5 out of the given 6 questions.         5 x 1 = 5

(I) Narcissistic personality disorder is characterized by which of the following conditions:    [1]

i. People have an inflated sense of their own importance.

ii. A deep need for excessive attention.

iii. Admiration and lack of empathy.

iv. Introvert

(a)  Only i        (b) Both i and ii           (c) i, ii and iii               (d) i, ii, iii and iv

Answer: (c) i, ii and iii.

(II) ‘S’ in the acronym SMART in Goal setting stands for:                                           [1]

(a) Strong                    (b) Segment                (c) Specific                  (d) Special

Answer: (c) Specific

(III) ______ is an economic process, where an idea is generated or an opportunity is created, refined, developed and implemented, while being exposed to uncertainty, to realise a profit by effective utilization of resources.        [1]

(a) Entrepreneurs                    (b) Entrepreneurship development    

(c) Entrepreneurship               (d) Cluster intervention

Answer: (c) Entrepreneurship

(IV) In a spreadsheet software, an arrangement of cells in a vertical manner is known as:    [1]

(a) Wroksheets            (b) Workbooks           
(c) Rows         (d) Columns

Answer: (d) Column

(V) Which of the following is not an example of spreadsheet?               [1]

(a) Microsoft Excel     (b) LibreOffice Calc   (c) OpenOffice Impress          (d) Google Sheets

Answer: (c) OpenOffice Impress

(VI) Which entrepreneur, out of the following, is essentially a manufacturer, who identifies the needs of customers and creates products or services to serve them?                                           [1]

(a) Service entrepreneur                      (b) Industrial entrepreneur     

(c) Agricultural entrepreneur              (d) Technical entrepreneur

Answer: (b) Industrial entrepreneur

Que 2. Answer any 5 out of the given 6 questions.      5 x 1 = 5

(I) A training set is a set of  _________ data in which the outcomes are already known.         [1]

(a) current                   (b) instant                    (c) historical                (d) output

Answer: (c) historical

(II) _______ involves a combination of three key elements, that help to explain the audience what’s happening in the data in an engaging and entertaining manner.                                                            [1]

(a) Data Analysis        (b) Data Visualization             (c) Data Storytelling   (d) Data Narrative

Answer: (c) Data Storytelling

(III) Match the following step of AI project given in column ‘A’ with its exact sequence given in column ‘B’.      [1]    

Column – ‘A’Column – ‘B’
1. Evaluation & refinementsA. Second Step
2. Problem DefinitionB. Fifth Step
3. Data gatheringC. First Step
4. DeploymentD. Fourth Step
5. AI model constructionE. Sixth step

Answer:  (c)   B         C         A         E         D

(IV) In AI development which of the following framework is used? [1]

(a)  Ptyhon      (b) TensorFlow           (c) Visual Basic          (d) C++

Answer: (b) TensorFlow

(V) All the algorithm in machine learning rely on minimizing or maximizing a function, called as _________. [1]

(a) Objective Function            (b) Focal Loss             (c) Loss function         (d) Gradient Descent

Answer: (a) Objective Function

(VI) Which of the following is incorrect?                               [1]

(a) The testing phase is essentially an iterative process.

(b) The first fundamental step when starting an AI initiative is scooping,

(c) In scoping phase, its, crucial to precisely define the strategic business objectives and desires outcomes of the project.

(d) Test data should include all relevant subsets of training data.

Answer: (a) The testing phase is essentially an iterative process.

Que 3. Answer any 5 out of the given 6 questions.           5 x 1 = 5

(I) When visuals are applied to data, they can _______ the audience to the insights that they wouldn’t perceive without the charts or graphs.               [1]

(a) engage                   (b) explain                   (c) enlighten                (d) change

Answer: (c) enlighten

(II) It is believed that there is a ______ in the data, then AI development techniques may be employed.   [1]

(a) pattern                   (b) program                 (c) language                (d) logic

Answer: (a) pattern

(III) Assertion (A): It’s crucial to precisely define the strategic business objectives and desired outcomes of the project, select align all the different stakeholders’ expectations, anticipate the key resources and steps, and define the success metrics.

Reason (R) : Selecting the AI or machine learning use cases and being able to evaluate the return on investment (ROI) is critical to the success of any data project.            [1]

(a) Both (A) and ® are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A)

(b) Both (A) and ® are true and (R) is not the correct explanation of (A)

(c) (A) is true, but (R) is false.

(d) (A) is false, but (R) is true.

Answer: (a) Both (A) and ® are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A)

(IV) Which of the following shows the audience where to look and what not to miss and also keeps the audience engaged?                                                                                                                [1]

(a) data                        (b) narrative                (c) charts                     (d) story

Answer: (b) narrative

(V) Once the relevant projects have been selected and properly scoped, which of the following phase will be the next step of the machine learning lifecycle?                                                    [1]

(a) Problem Scoping               (b) Deployment                      
(c) Design                   (d) Testing

Answer: (c) Design

(VI) Which of the following is the first step of an AI Model Life Cycle?        [1]

(a) Build                      (b) Scoping                 (c) Design                   (d) Testing

Answer: (b) Scoping / Requirement analysis

Que 4. Answer any 5 out of the given 6 questions.             5 x 1 = 5

(I) Which of the following is the most preferred language for building an AI model?              [1]

(a) Python                   (b) VB                         (c) Java                        (d) C++

Answer: (a) Python

(II) Study the following graph:

What does the line in the above figure represent?

(a) Actual values         (b) Set of predicted values  (c) It represents the error  (d) Values at Y axis

Answer: (b) Set of predicted values

(III) First four steps of wiring Python code to find out RMSE values of the model are given here. Arrange them in proper order –       [1]

1. Splitting the data into training and test

2. Reading the data

3. Fitting simple linear regression to the training set.

4. Import required libraries.

(a) 2 – 4 -1 -3             (b) 4 – 3 – 2 – 1          (c) 1 – 2 – 3 – 4           (d) 4 – 2 – 1 – 3

Answer: (d) 4 – 2 – 1 – 3

(IV)  Which of the following is NOT True for Testing?          [1]

(a) The volume of test data should be very small.

(b) Data validation is important.

(c) Your testing team should test the AI and ML algorithms keeping model validation.

(d) Your team must create test suites that help you validate your ML models.

Answer: (a) The volume of test data should be very small.

(V) Data storytelling is a ______ approach for communicating insights drawn from data.     [1]

(a) iterative                  (b) procedural             (c) sequential              (d) structured

Answer: (d) structured

(VI) Which of the following is NOT true for Train-Test Split Evaluation?                 [1]

(a) The procedure involved taking a dataset and dividing it into two subsets.

(b) The train-test procedure is appropriate when there is a larger dataset.

(c) The objective is to estimate the performance of the user.

(d) It can be used for classification or regression problem.

Answer: (c) The objective is to estimate the performance of the user.

Que 5. Answer any 5 out of the given 6 questions.            5 x 1 = 5

(I)  Stories create _______ experience that transport the audience to another space and time. [1]

(a) visualizations         (b) engaging                (c) testing                    (d) necessary

Answer: (b) engaging

(II) Which of the following is incorrect?                                        [1]                               

i. A capstone project is a project where students must research a topic independently to find a deep understanding of the subject matter.

ii. The initial part of the project of academic program is knows as capstone project.

iii. The final project of academic program, integrating all of the learning from the program is called capstone project.

(a)  i and iii only                     (b) ii and iii only                     (c) ii only                    (d) i, ii and iii

Answer: (c) ii only

(III)  Which of the following is an example of a development tool used in building an AI model? [1]

(a)  C++                      (b) Anaconda              (c) Linux                     (d) Scratch

Answer: (b) Anaconda

(IV) Identify the correct statements from the following:            [1]

i. Data modeling focuses on developing modes that are either descriptive or predictive.

ii. A predictive model tries to yield yes/no or stop/go type outcomes.

iii. The data scientist will use a training set for descriptive modelling.

iv. Data modelling focuses on testing the project.

            (a) i, ii, and iii              (b) ii, iii and iv            (c) i  and ii                   (d)  i and iv

Answer: (c) i and ii

(V) ________ is a design methodology that provides a solution-based approach to solving problems. [1]

(a) Classification                     (b) Design Thinking               

(c) Recommendation              (d) Computational

Answer: (b) Design Thinking

(VI) Which of the following is a key element of a data story?       [1]

(a) audience                (b) visuals                    (c) engage                   (d) information

Answer: (b) visuals

Section – B

(Subjective Type Questions)
Answer any 3 out of the given 5 questions on Employability Skills. Answer each question in 20-30 words.      3 x 2 = 6

Que 6. With reference to ‘Five Factor Model’, mention any four parameters that describe an individual’s personality.  [2]                  


Answer: There are five parameters that describe an individual’s personality. These five dimensions are also called the ‘Big Five Factors’ and the model is referred to as the ‘Five Factor Model’, which is abbreviated as FFM. Parameters are –

(a) Openness

(b) Consciousness

(c) Extraversion

(d) Agreeableness

(e) Neuroticism

Que 7. Define any two of the following personality disorders: [2]

(a) Avoidant               (b) Dependent            (c) Histrionic


(a) Avoidant personality disorder: People with this type of disorder are socially inept, unappealing or inferior, and constantly fear being embarrassed, criticised or rejected. They avoid meeting others and often experience feelings of inadequacy, inferiority or unattractiveness.

(b) Dependent personality disorder: People with such a disorder are characterized by lack of self-confidence and an extra need to be looked after. They need a lot of help in making everyday decisions and surrender important life decisions to the care of others. They are heavily dependent on other people for their emotional and physical needs, and thus, usually, avoid being alone.

(c) Histrionic personality disorder: People with histrionic personality disorder frequently try to gain more attention by being overly dramatic. They are extremely sensitive to criticism or disapproval and can be easily influenced by others.

Que 8. Differentiate between a row and a cell of a spreadsheet.    [2]

Answer: A row is an arrangement of cells in a horizontal (sleeping) manner.

A cell is a rectangle-shaped box, where the row and column meet. In cell we can enter text, numbers, date, formula, etc.,. The cell that is selected appears highlighted.

Que 9. Write any four qualities that motivate an entrepreneur.   [2]

Answer: Following are some of the qualities that motivate an entrepreneur.

(a) Standard of excellence: An entrepreneur constantly sets high standards and strives to attain the standard of excellence by working hard and showing innovativeness.

(b) Uniqueness: For an entrepreneur, one of the most important qualities is to remain unique in everything the person does and the way it is done.

(c) Focus on long-term goals: Long-term goals are those that are distant in terms of time period. An entrepreneur focusses more on what is to be achieved in the distant future rather than in near future. The person will plan and work patiently to achieve long-term goals.

(d) Need to influence: The entrepreneur perceives one’s ideas as revolutionary and expects them to influence the world in a substantial way. For most entrepreneurs, their ideas have impacted the world and some have completely changed the look of the world.

Que 10. Briefly define the term competency. Mention any two Common Entrepreneurial Competencies.        [2]

Answer: Competency is the ability to do something well.

Common Entrepreneurial Competencies are

  • Decisiveness: Decisiveness is the ability to make profitable and quick decisions
  • Initiative: Initiative is the ability to take charge and act in a situation before others.
  • Interpersonal skills: Interpersonal means dealing with relationships. It is between two or more persons. Interpersonal skills, thus, mean the competencies required to work with other people.
  • Perseverance: Perseverance is the ability to continue to do something, even when it is difficult.

Answer any 4 out of the given 6 questions in 20-30 words each.     4 x  2 = 8

Que 11. Mention the names of any four stages of Design Thinking.             [2]

Answer: The five stages of Design Thinking are as follows: Empathize, Define, Ideate, Prototype, and Test.

Que 12. Explain the term Time series decomposition.      [2]

Answer: Time series decomposition involves thinking of a series as a combination of level, trend, seasonality, and noise components.

Decomposition provides a useful abstract model for thinking about time series generally and for better understanding problems during time series analysis and forecasting.

Que 13. Give two points of difference between Cross-Validation and Train-Test Split.           [2]


Cross-ValidationTrain-Test Split
Cross-validation is preferable in cases where your dataset is relatively smallThe train-test procedure is appropriate when there is a sufficiently large dataset available.
Cross-validation gives you a more reliable measure of your model’s qualityTrain-Test Split does not gives a more reliable measure of your model’s quality

Que 14. Selecting the right analytical approach depends on the questions being asked.          [2]

In the light of the above given statement, which type of questions can be asked for

(A) Classification approach                (B) Descriptive approach.


(A) Classification Approach – Questions being asked, which require a yes/no answer.

(B) Descriptive Approach –   Question being asked which shows the relationship.

Que 15. Name the main stages of AI Project Life Cycle.                                     [2]

Answer: AI project lifecycle encompasses three main stages:

  • project scoping,
  • design or build phase, and
  • deployment in production.

Que 16. Give two reasons why storytelling is so powerful.                 [2]

Answer: Reason which makes storytelling is so powerful are :-

  • Stories create engaging experiences that transport the audience to another space and time.
  • They establish a sense of community belongingness and identity.
  • Storytelling shapes, empowers and connects people by doing away with judgement or critic and facilitates openness for embracing differences.
  • Storytelling make information more compelling, the ability to present a window in order to take a peek at the past, and finally to draw lessons and to reimagine the future by affecting necessary changes.

Answer any 3 out of the given 5 questions in 50-80 words each.        3 x 4 = 12

Que 17. Give steps to break down a problem into smaller units before coding.                        [4]

Answer: Real computational tasks are complicated. To accomplish them you need to break down the problem into smaller units before coding.

Problem decomposition steps

1. Understand the problem and then restate the problem in your own words

  • Know what the desired inputs and outputs are.
  • Ask questions for clarification (in class these questions might be to your instructor, but most of the time they will be asking either yourself or your collaborators)

2. Break the problem down into a few large pieces. Write these down, either on paper or as comments in a file.

3. Break complicated pieces down into smaller pieces. Keep doing this until all of the pieces are small.

4. Code one small piece at a time.

  • Think about how to implement it
  • Write the code/query
  • Test it… on its own.
  • Fix problems, if any

Que 18. The following is the diagram depicting for Foundational methodology for data science. [4]

The diagram is marked with A, B, C, D. Identify these four steps and briefly explain the significance of steps marks as ‘A’ and ‘B’.

Answer: Four steps are

            A – Business understanding  

            B – Data collection

            C – Modelling

            D – Deployment

Business Understanding: – Every project, regardless of its size, starts with business understanding, which lays the foundation for the successful resolution of the business problem. The business sponsors needing the analytic solution plays a critical role in this stage by defining the problem, project objectives and solution requirements from a business perspective. And, believe it or not—even with nine stages still to go—this first stage is the hardest.

Data Collection: In Data collection phase, data ingredients are collected.

Que 19. Explain AI project cycle and project scoping in detail.           [4]

Answer: Every AI project lifecycle encompasses three main stages: project scoping, design or build phase, and deployment in production.

AI Project lifecycle starting from project scoping and data prep, and going through all the stages of model building, deployment, management, analytics, to full-blown Enterprise AI.

Project Scoping: The first fundamental step when starting an AI initiative is scoping and selecting the relevant use case(s) that the AI model will be built to address. This stage involves the planning and motivational aspects of your project. 

In this phase, it’s crucial to precisely define the strategic business objectives and desired outcomes of the project, select align all the different stakeholders’ expectations, anticipate the key resources and steps, and define the success metrics. Selecting the AI or machine learning use cases and being able to evaluate the return on investment (ROI) is critical to the success of any data project.

Que 20. (a) Mention the steps that can assist in finding compelling stories in the data sets.    [2+2 = 4]

Answer: Some easy steps that can assist in finding compelling stories in the data sets are as follows:

  • Step 1: Get the data and organize it.
  • Step 2: Visualize the data.
  • Step 3: Examine data relationships.
  • Step 4: Create a simple narrative embedded with conflict.

Que 20. (b) Which of the following (Option – A or Option – B) is a better data story? Give reason.

Option – A

Option – B

Answer:  Option – B is a better data story.


  • Stories that incorporate data and analytics are more convincing than those based entirely on anecdotes or personal experience.

Que 21. Briefly explain the purpose of Data story telling. Also discuss the significance of each of the key elements in the process of Data story telling.                         [4]

Answer: Data storytelling is a structured approach for communicating insights drawn from data, and invariably involves a combination of three key elements: data, visuals, and narrative.

Data storytelling is an effective tool to transmit human experience. Narrative is the way we simplify and make sense of a complex world. It supplies context, insight, interpretation—all the things that make data meaningful, more relevant and interesting.

Significance of Key

  • When the narrative is accompanied with data, it helps to explain the audience what’s happening in the data and why a particular insight has been generated.
  • When visuals are applied to data, they can enlighten the audience to the insights that they wouldn’t perceive without the charts or graphs.
  • Finally, when narrative and visuals are merged together, they can engage or even entertain an audience. When you combine the right visuals and narrative with the right data, you have a data story that can influence and drive change.

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