CBSE Class 10 Computer Application code 165 Unit 2 HTML I MCQ’s – Set 1

Class 10 Computer Application [165]

Unit 2 : HTML – 1

Multiple Choice Questions [Unit 2 – HTML-I Set 1]

1. Full form of WWW is

a. Word World Web

b. World Wide Web

c. World Word Web

d. Word World Web

Answer: b. World Wide Web

2. W3 stands for –

a. Word World Web

b. World Wide Web

c. World Word Web

d. Word World Web

Answer: b. World Wide Web

3. Everything that you see on the Web is documents written in a special language called _________ .


b. C

c. C++

d. Java

Answer: a. HTML

4. HTML stands for –

a. Hyper Text Machine Language

b. Hyper Text Marking Language

c. Hyper Type Markup Language

d. Hyper Text Markup Language

Answer: d. Hyper Text Markup Language

5. Which one of the following is not a web browser?

a. Python

b. Mosaic

c. Netscape

d. Internet Explorer

Answer: a. Python

6. HTML is –

a. Web Page Layout Language

b. Hyperlink Specification Language

c. Markup Language

d. All of the above

Answer: d. All of the above

7. HTML is not –

a. Word Processing Tool

b. Programming Language

c. Both (a) and (b)

d. None of these

Answer: c. Both (a) and (b)

8. HTML tells the browser how to ________ the contents of a hypertext document.

a. display

b. print

c. search

d. none of these

Answer: a. display

9. Hypertext document means –

a. Text

b. Images

c. Multimedia

d. All of these

Answer: d. All of these

10. HTML is not a –

a. Word Processing Tool

b. Desktop Publishing solution

c. Programming Language

d. All of the above

Answer: d. All of the above

11. Who is the father of HTML?

a. Charles Babbage

b. Dennis Rtichie

c. Anjeev Singh

d. Tim Berners-Lee

Answer: d. Tim Berners-Lee

12. First version of HTML is released in which year?

a. 1989

b. 1990

c. 1991

d. 1992

Answer: b. 1990

13. What is the Current approved Version of HTML?

a. HTML 3.0

b. HTML 4.01


d. HTML 5

Answer: d. HTML 5

14. HTML is made of elements called ________ .

a. tags

b. attributes

c. tags and attributes

d. None of these

Answer: c. tags and attributes

15. A _______ is a coded HTML command that indicates how part of web page should be displayed.

a. Tag

b. Attributes

c. Command

d. Style

Answer: a. Tag

16. An ________ is a special word used inside tag to specify additional information to tag such as color, size, face, ect.

a. attributes

b. element

c. tag

d. unicode

Answer: a. attributes

17. All HTML tags are contained with ______ brackets.

a. < >

b. ( )

c. ‘ ‘

d. [ ]

Answer: a. < > , angle brackets

18. HTML is not a case sensitive. (T/F)

a. True

b. False

Answer: a. True

19. <HEAD> or <Head> or <head> all are same in HTML. (True / False)

a. True

b. False

Answer. a. True

20. The following tag is use to identify the document as an HTML document?

a. <HTML>

b <HEAD>

c. <BODY>

d. <P>

Answer: a. <HTML>

Class 10 Computer Application [165] HTML – I MCQ’s

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