Class 10 Computer Application [165]
Unit 2 : HTML – 1
Multiple Choice Questions [Unit 2 – HTML-I Set 4]
61. _______ elements are also called void elements.
a. Container
b. Empty
c. Mixed
d. None
62. _______ tags combine the start and end tags into one tag, by just giving forward slash (/) character in the end of start tag’s name.
a. Container
b. Empty
c. Self closing
d. None
63. Which of the following is an example of self closing tag.
a. <CODE> … </CODE>
b. <CODE>
c. <CODE/>
d. None
64. Which tag is the root element of the html document?
a. body
b. title
c. root
d. html
65. A ______ is also used to identify your page for search engines.
a. body
b. title
c. head
d. html
66. The titles should ideally be up to _______ characters long.
a. 40
b. 60
c. 96
d. 256
67. The second-and-largest part of our HTML document is the _________.
a. body
b. title
c. head
d. html
68. Which of the following is not an attribute of BODY tag?
a. background
b. bgcolor
c. title
d. Text
69. Which of the following is not an attribute of BODY tag?
a. topmargin
b. alink
c. vlink
d. bottommargin
70. Which of the following is not an attribute of BODY tag?
a. topmargin
b. leftmargin
c. rightmargin
d. Text
71. Which attribute of BODY tag is use to set the image as background?
a. Back Ground
b. wallpaper
c. background
d. bgcolor
72. Anjeev Singh written a code in HTML, but it is not working properly. Help him to identify the problem.
<BODY background = c:\My Pictures\Wallpaper>
a. <BODY background = c:\My Pictures\Wallpaper.jpg>
b. <BODY background = ‘c:\My Pictures\Wallpaper’>
c. <BODY background = image>
d. <BODY background = “c:\My Pictures\Wallpaper.jpg”>
73. To specify the background image for the document. Background attribute is used with which of the following tags?
a. <BODY>
b. <HTML>
c. <P>
d. <HEAD>
74. By default browsers display text in _______ color on a grey or white background.
a. red
b. white
c. blue
d. black
75. To specify the color of Text, which attribute of BODY tag is used?
a. text
b. color
c. textcolor
d. bgcolor
76. _________ attribute of BODY tag is use to change the background color?
a. background
b. backgroundcolor
c. bg
d. bgcolor
77. _________ attribute of BODY tag is use to change the color of hyperlink?
a. alink
b. vlink
c. link
d. hyperlink
78. _________ attribute of BODY tag is use to change the color of active hyperlink?
a. alink
b. vlink
c. link
d. hyperlink
79. _________ attribute of BODY tag is use to change the color of visited hyperlink?
a. alink
b. vlink
c. link
d. hyperlink
80. Identify which command can change the background black and text color to white.
a. <BODY bgcolor = “#000000″ text=”#FFFFFF”>
b. <BODY backgroundcolor = “#000000″ textcolor=”#FFFFFF”>
c. <BODY bgcolor = “#FF0000″ text=”#00FFFF”>
d. None of these