CBSE Class 10 Computer Application code 165 Unit 2 HTML I MCQ’s – Set 8

Class 10 Computer Application Code 165

Unit 2 : HTML – 1

Multiple Choice Questions [Unit 2 – HTML-I Set 8]

141. ____________ styles render the text according to its meaning e.g. <EM> is for emphasizing something and <STRONG> is for strongly emphasizing some thing.

a. Logical Text

b. Physical Text

c. Formatting Text

d. None of these

Answer: a. Logical

142. Each browser handles a _________ style in its own way.

a. Logical

b. Physical

c. Formatting

d. None of these

Answer: a. Logical

143. Each browser rendered a _________ style in the same manner.

a. Logical

b. Physical

c. Formatting

d. None of these

Answer: b. Physical

144. ____________ styles indicate the specific type of appearance for a section.

a. Logical Text

b. Physical Text

c. Formatting

d. None of these

Answer: b. Physical Text

145. All the Physical Text and Logical Text style tags are _________ element..

a. Container

b. Empty

c. Both Container and Empty

d. None of these

Answer: a. Container

146. Choose the correct Physical Text Style tag . or Identify which of the tag is not a Logical Text Style tag.

a. <DFN>

b. <CITE>

c. <EM>

d. <TT>

Answer: d. <TT>

147. Choose the correct Physical Text Style tag . or Identify which of the tag is not a Logical Text Style tag.

a. <CODE>

b. <KBD>

c. <B>

d. <SAMP>

Answer: c. <B>

148. Choose the correct Physical Text Style tag . or Identify which of the tag is not a Logical Text Style tag.

a. <I>


c. <VAR>

d. <EMP>

Answer: a. <I>

149. Choose the correct Logical Text Style tag . or Identify which of the tag is not a Physical Text Style tag.

a. <I>

b. <B>

c. <U>

d. <CITE>

Answer: d. <CITE>

Answer the Question Number 150 to 153 on the basis of the given figure.

150. Identify the tag is used in the #Line 1.

a. <I>

b. <B>

c. <U>

d. <TT>

Answer: b. <B>

151. Identify the tag is used in the #Line 3 .

a. <I>

b. <B>

c. <U>

d. <TT>

Answer: c. <U>

152. Identify the tag is used in the #Line 4.

a. <I>

b. <B>

c. <U>

d. <TT>

Answer: d. <TT>

153. Identify the tag is used in the #Line 2.

a. <I>

b. <B>

c. <U>

d. <TT>

Answer: a. <I>

154. Match the following :

A. CITEI. Use for a variable.
B. KBDII. Use for a word being defined.
C. VARIII. Use for titles of books, films, etc.
D. CODEIV. Use for user keyboard entry.
E. DFNV. Use for computer code.

a. A – V, B – IV, C – I, D – II, E – III

b. A – III, B – IV, C – V, D – II, E – I

c. A – IV, B – V, C – I, D – III, E – II

d. A – III, B – IV, C – I, D – V, E – II

Answer: d. A – III, B – IV, C – I, D – V, E – II

155. Which tag is use to write the sentence / letter just above the line.

a. <SUP>

b. <SUB>

c. <ABOVE>

d. <UPPER>

Answer: a. <SUP>

156. Which tag is use to write the sentence / letter just below the line.

a. <SUP>

b. <SUB>

c. <BELOW>

d. <DOWN>

Answer: b. <SUB>

157. Which tag is use to write H2O.

a. <SUP>

b. <SUB>

c. <BELOW>

d. <DOWN>

Answer: b. <SUB>

158. Which tag is use to write (a+b)2.

a. <SUP>

b. <SUB>

c. <BELOW>

d. <DOWN>

Answer: a. <SUP>

159. Write the HTML code to display formula : a2 + b2

a. a<sub>2</sub> + b<sub>2</sub>

b. a<sup>2</sup> + b<sub>2</sub>

c. a <sup> 2 </sup> + b <sup> 2 </sup>

d. a<sub>2</sub> + b<sup>2</sup>

Answer: . a <sup> 2 </sup> + b <sup> 2 </sup>

160. Write the HTML code to display formula of Washing Soda – Na2CO3

a. Na<sup>2</sup>CO<sub>3</sub>

b. Na<sub>2</sub>CO<sub>3</sub>

c. Na<sub>2</sub>CO<sup>3</sup>

d. None of these

Answer: b. Na<sub>2</sub>CO<sub>3</sub>

Class 10 Computer Application Code 165 HTML – I MCQ’s

Class 10 Computer Application Code 165 Cyber Ethics MCQ’s

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