Class 10 Computer Application Code 165
Unit 2 : HTML – 1
Multiple Choice Questions [Unit 2 – HTML-I Set 7]
121. ____________ give you a way to separate sections of your document visually.
a. vertical rules
b. breaking line
c. horizontal rules
d. None of these
122. ____________ tag produces a horizontal line spread across the width of the browser window.
a. <HR>
b. <BR>
c. <VR>
d. None of these
123. <HR> tag is a/an __________ type of tag.
a. empty
b. container
c. both empty and container
d. None of these
124. <HR> tag has ________ attributes
a. size
b. width
c. noshade
d. color
e. All of these
125. _______ attribute of <HR> tag is use to change the thickness of horizontal rule.
a. size
b. width
c. noshade
d. color
126. _______ attribute of <HR> tag is use to change the width of horizontal rule.
a. size
b. width
c. noshade
d. color
127. _______ attribute of <HR> tag is use to make a flat, 2D rule.
a. size
b. width
c. noshade
d. color
128. By default Horizontal rule shape is __________.
a. 3 D rule
b. 2 D rule
c. 4 D rule
d. 1 D rule
129. The default Horizontal rule is drawn across the __________ width of the view window.
a. 25%
b. 50%
c. 75%
d. 100%
130. The length of horizontal rules can be controlled with __________ attributes.
a. size
b. length
c. width
d. none of these
131. The value of width attribute can be ______________________ .
a. an absolute number of pixels
b. percentage of the browser window’s width
c. Both (a) and (b)
d. None of these
132. Which of the following tags break the line ______________________ .
a. <HR>
b. <BR>
c. <P>
d. All of these
133. Read the statements :-
i. <BR> tag break the line, but retained the paragraph alignment.
ii. <HR> tag break the line, but reset the paragraph alignment to left-justified.
a. Statement (i) is True but Statement (ii) is False
b. Statement (i) is False but Statement (ii) is True
c. Both Statement (i) and Statement (ii) are True
d. Both Statement (i) and Statement (ii) are False
134. _______________ are one type of textual content which appear in your HTML code, but are not rendered by yours browser.
a. Title
b. Comment
c. Body
d. All of these
135. In HTML, comments are written between special __________ markup elements.
a. <– –>
b. <!– –!>
c. “– –“
d. <!– –>
136. Identify which HTML statement, is a valid Comment statement.
a. <!– –>
b. <! !>
c. <!>
d. <!– –!>
137. There must be _______ after the initial <!– and before the final –>.
a. message
b. space
c. _ (underscore)
d. None of these
138. Read the given code, and identify the valid output in browser window.

a. Hello, All the best
b. Hello <!– Dear –> Students, All the best
c. Hello Students, All the best
d. None of these
139. HTML has ______ types of styles for individual words or sentences.
a. one
b. two
c. three
d. four
140. Styles available in HTML for words and sentences are __________.
a. Physical Style and Static Style
b. Logical Style and Virtual Style
c. Physical Style and Logical Style
d. None of these