Class 10 Employability Skills Unit 3 Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Skills II NCERT Book Solution

Class 10 Employability Skills

Unit 3 Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Skills II NCERT Book Solution

Session 1: Basic Computer Operations

Check Your Progress

A. Multiple-choice questions

Read the questions carefully and circle the letter (a), (b), (c) or (d) that best answers the question.

1. Which of the following functions is not performed using a mouse?

(a) Turn on

(b) Hover

(c) Right click

(d) Drag and Drop

Answer: (a) Turn On

2. What is the term used when you press and hold the left mouse key and move the mouse around?

(a) Highlighting

(b) Dragging

(c) Selecting

(d) Moving

Answer: (b) Dragging

3. Here are the steps that take place when starting a computer. Rearrange the steps in the correct order.

(a) Desktop appears after login

(b) Login screen appears

(c) Power on Self-Test (POST) starts

(d) Operating system starts

(e) Welcome screen appears

Answer: c >> d >> >> e >> b >> a

  • Power on Self-Test (POST) starts
  • Operating system starts
  • Welcome screen appears
  • Login screen appears
  • Desktop appears after login

B. Subjective questions

1. What is the function of the ENTER key?

Answer: ENTER or the RETURN key is used to move the cursor to the beginning of a new line. In some programs, it is used to send commands and to confirm a task on a computer.

2. How will you prevent others from using your computer?

Answer: By creating a login-id and password, we can ensure that no unauthorised person can see or make changes to our information without taking our permission.

A login and password is like a key to the lock which allows you to use the computer. You must log out or sing out from your computer after finishing of your work.

Session 2: Performing Basic File Operations

Check Your Progress

A. Multiple-choice questions

Read the questions carefully and circle the letter (a), (b), (c) or (d) that best answers the question.

1. Which one of the following shortcut keys is used to paste a file?

(a) Ctrl + c
(b) Ctrl + p
(c) Ctrl + v
(d) Ctrl + x

Answer: (c) Ctrl + v

2. Which of the following is a valid file extension for Notepad file?

(a) .jpg

(b) .doc

(c) .text

(d) .txt

Answer: (d) .txt

3. What keys do you use to copy something?

(a) Ctrl + x

(b) Ctrl + c

(c) Ctrl + z

(d) Ctrl + y

Answer: Ctrl + c

B. Subjective questions

1. How is a computer file system similar to our physical file system in a school?

Answer: AS we know, separate cabinet is used to keep the files of different student or classes on separate shelves.

Similarly, information on a computer is stored in electronic files, which can be put into separate folders.

2. What are the steps you will perform to save a text file in Ubuntu?

Answer:  Steps to save a text file in Ubuntu are-

  • Open a Text editor (i.e. notepad)
  • Add your text in a new blank file.
  • To save a file click Save. Save As dialog box appear,  browse the location and type file name to save a file.

Session 3: Computer Care and Maintenance

Check Your Progress

A. Multiple-choice questions

Read the questions carefully and circle the letter (a), (b), (c) or (d) that best answers the question.

1. What happens if you leave a device plugged in even after it is charged 100%?

(a) It can break.

(b) It can stop functioning.

(c) It can over-heat.

(d) Data can get corrupt.

Answer: (c) It can over-heat.

2. How can an anti-virus protect your device?

(a) It can protect it from over-heating.

(b) It can increase its performance.

(c) It can prevent data from getting corrupt.

(d) It can backup data.

Answer: (c) It can prevent data from getting corrupt.

3. Which option is not required to keep a device cool?

(a) Keep the device unplugged when in use.

(b) Do not cover a laptop with a blanket.

(c) Make sure computer’s CPU fan is working.

(d) Avoid leaving the device in the sun.

Answer: (a) Keep the device unplugged when in use.

4. Which of the following is essential for maintaining keyboard?

(a) Turn the keyboard upside down and shake it to remove foreign material.
(b) Blow dust and other particles with help of a blower.
(c) Use a very dilute combination of soap and water applied with a non-abrasive cloth to remove stains from the keycaps.
(d) All of the above.

Answer: (d) All of the above.

B. Subjective questions

1. Explain how to clean a computer on a daily basis.

Answer:  A computer can be clean on a daily basis by following methods-

  • We should not eat anything over a keyboard.
  • We can clean a keyboard with a soft brush to remove crumbs and dust particles.
  • We can wipe the screen with a soft cloth to remove any finger marks.
  • Avoid eating and keeping glasses of water or cups of coffee near a computer.

2. How can you increase the performance of a computer?

Answer: The performance of computers can be increased by cleaning and removing any extra files. We can use some disk cleaner software, which helps us clean up the unnecessary files.

Session 4: Computer Security and Privacy

Check Your Progress

A. Multiple-choice questions

Read the questions carefully and circle the letter (a), (b), (c) or (d) that best answers the question

1. What should you do to ensure secure online transactions?

(a) Lock your computer

(b) Give credit card or bank details only on safe websites

(c) Use anti-virus

(d) Do not use pirated software

Answer: (b) Give credit card or bank details only on safe websites

2. Which of the following trap small children into inappropriate relations?

(a) Online predators

(b) Worms

(c) Trojan Horse

(d) Anti-Virus

Answer: (a) Online predators

3. What should a strong password consist of?

(a) Only letters

(b) Numbers and special characters

(c) Name of a person

(d) Letters, numbers, and special characters

Answer: (d) Letters, numbers, and special characters

B. Subjective questions

1. Explain how the Trojan Horse virus works.

Answer: A Trojan Horse disguises itself i.e., it appears to be a useful software program but once it reaches a computer it starts behaving like a virus and destroying data.

2. List the various ways you can use to protect your data.

Answer: You can use the following ways to protect your data:

  • Use passwords to login to your computer
  • Password must have a mix of small (For example ‘a b c d’) and capital letters (For example, ‘H J E R’), numbers (For example ‘8 7 6 5’) and special characters (For example, ’% ^ # $’). It is difficult to hack the difficult Passwords.
  • Install Anti-virus and Firewall on computer.
  • Encrypt your data with the help of Bitlocker. It will prevent unauthorized usage of data.
  • Always use the secure sites. A secured site address starts with https:// and have a lock symbol, called padlock icon.

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