Class 10 Employability Skills Unit 5 – Green Skills II NCERT Book Solution

Class 10 Employability Skills

Unit 5 Green Skills II NCERT Book Solution

Session 1: Sustainable Development

Check Your Progress

A. Multiple-choice questions

Read the questions carefully and circle the letter (a), (b), (c) or (d) that best answers the question.

1. How many sustainable development goals are given by the United Nations?

(a) 18

(b) 17

(c) 15

(d) 20

Answer: (b) 17

2. Choose the option which defines sustainable development.

(a) Taking care of future generations

(b) Taking care of only ourselves

(c) Taking care of ourselves and the future generations

(d) Well-being of all

Answer: (c) Taking care of ourselves and the future generations

3. Which organisation has made the Sustainable Development Goals.

(a) United Nations

(b) League of Nations


(d) World Health Organisation

Answer: (a) United Nations

B. Subjective question

1. What is the meaning of sustainable development?

Answer: Sustainable development is the development that satisfies the needs of the present without compromising the capacity of future generations, guaranteeing the balance between economic growth, care for the environment and social well-being.

2. Why do you think the United Nations has made the 17 Sustainable Development Goals?

Answer: The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) were launched at the United Nations Sustainable Development Summit in New York in September 2015, forming the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable development.  It has set targets that the countries have to should work towards and achieve by 2030.

The 17 SDGs have been made with the aim to take care of important issues facing businesses, governments and society. Some of these issues are poverty, gender equality, water use, energy, climate change and biodiversity.

Session 2: Our Role in Sustainable Development

Check Your Progress

A. Multiple-choice questions

Read the questions carefully and circle the letter (a), (b), (c) or (d) that best answers the question

1. Which of the following sources of energy is from a renewable source?

(a) Solar energy

(b) Wood

(c) Coals

(d) Petrol

Answer: (a) Solar energy

2. Choose the option which is not a sustainable development goal according to United Nations.

(a) Clean Water and Sanitation

(b) Gender Equality

(c) Population

(d) Reduced Inequalities

Answer: (c) Population

B. Subjective questions

1. List some ways in which we can use resources sensibly.

Answer: We can become responsible about our own environment by using the resources like

1. reusing paper, glass, plastic, water, etc.

2. taking cloth bags to market carrying fruits and vegetables.

3. donate things we do not use such as clothes, books, furniture, food, etc.

4. Buy and eat seasonal fruits and vegetables from local growers.

5. Repair leaking taps and pipes to avoid wasting water.

6. Sort and treat garbage before disposing

2. Explain the importance of education towards sustainable development.

Answer: Education is the most important factors for sustainable development. Children who have gone to school will be able to do jobs so that they can take care of themselves and their families. Education helps us become aware of our role as a responsible citizen. We should

1. use the facilities present in our areas.

2. take our friends to school.

3. help friends study.

4. stop friends from dropping out of school.

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