Class 12 Employability Skills Unit 2 Self Management Skills IV Important Question Answer

Class 12 Employability Skills

Unit 2: Self Management Skills – IV

Important Question Answer

1. What is Motivation?

Answer: Motivation is defined as the drive required to engage in goal-oriented behavior.

2. What is Self-Motivation?

Answer: Self-Motivation is the ability to do what needs to be done without the influence
or thrust from other people or situations.

3. What is the difference between Motivation and Self-Motivation?

Answer: Motivation is the inner urge to do something while Self-Motivation is the ability to do what needs to be done without the influence or thrust from other people or situations.

4. Why Self-Motivation is important?

Answer: Self-Motivation is important for us, because –

  • It increases an individual’s energy and activity.
  • It directs an individual towards specific goals.
  • It results in the initiation and persistence of specific activities
  • It affects cognitive processes and learning strategies used for completing similar tasks.

5. Why Self-Motivated individuals are important?

Answer: Self-Motivated individuals are important for us, because –

  • Self-motivated individuals are assets to the world, their country, their families and to themselves.
  • Self-motivated individuals practice righteousness. They do what is required to accomplish their goals.
  • Self-motivated people have elevated spirits and are full of positivity. For them nothing is impossible. They are focused on their goals and objectives and diligently achieve their aims.

6. What is Physiological motivation?

Answer: Physiological motivation is based on the physical needs to satisfy hunger or thirst. Physiological motivation directs the behaviour towards satisfying specific bodily needs. Psychological motivations can be guided by need for achievement and need for affiliation.

7. What is Internal motivation?

Answer: Internal motivation, an individual demonstrates a desire to do his/her work without any external reward.

For example, a student who is internally motivated will learn, complete the assignments on his/her own, etc.

8. What is External motivation?

Answer: External motivation occurs when we feel driven by outside forces, performing an activity either to obtain a reward or to avoid punishment.

For example, a student who is externally driven will be completing lessons to avoid punishment or to gain reward.

9. Write the sources of motivation and inspiration?

Answer: Following are the sources of motivation and inspiration: – Music, Books, Activities, Expansive thoughts, Living in the present, and Dreaming big.

10. What do you mean by Personality?

Answer: Personality is a relatively enduring set of traits. These traits are made up of an emotional, behavioral and mental set of characteristics. Personality is shaped through family, culture, society, education, and other environmental factors.

11. What is the influence of personality?

Answer: Behavioral tendencies like anxiety, stress, perseverance and conscientiousness reflected in personality traits can influence academic performance.

12. Write the name of the popular personality classification.

Answer: Big Five.

13. Write and explain Big five personality traits?

Answer: Big Five personality traits are –

  • Extraversion: Gregarious, assertive and sociable.(Opposite reserved, timid, quiet.)
  • Agreeableness : Cooperative, warm and agreeable.(Opposite cold, disagreeable and antagonistic)
  • Conscientiousness : Hardworking, organized and dependable(lazy, disorganized and unreliable)
  • Emotional stability : Calm, self-confident and cool(insecure, anxious and depressed)
  • Openness to experience : Creative, curious and cultured(narrow interests)

14. Write the name of common personality disorders?

Answer: Following are the common personality disorders –

  • Paranoid,
  • Antisocial,
  • Borderline,
  • Narcissistic,
  • Avoidant,
  • Dependent, and
  • Obessive

15. What is OCPD?

Answer: Obsessive-compulsive personality disorder (OCPD) is a personality disorder that’s characterized by extreme perfectionism, order, and neatness.

16. What is paranoid disorder?

Answer: Feeling extremely nervous and worried because you believe that other people do not like you or are trying to harm you, is called a paranoid disorder.

17. What is Narcissistic disorder?

Answer: Narcissistic disorder is a condition in which people have an inflated sense of their own importance, a deep need for excessive attention and admiration and lack of empathy.

18. What is Avoidant disorder?

Answer: Avoidant personality disorder is characterized by feelings of extreme social inhibition, inadequacy, and sensitivity to negative criticism and rejection.

19. What is Dependent disorder?

Answer: Dependent personality disorder is a condition marked by an overreliance on other people to meet one’s emotional and physical needs.

20. What is Borderline disorder?

Answer: Borderline disorder is marked by an ongoing pattern of varying moods, self-image and behaviour.

These symptoms result in impulsive actions and problems in relationships.

21. What is Schizoid disorder?

Answer: Schizoid disorder is characterized by a lack of interest in social relationships and people tend to be distant, detached and indifferent.

22. What is Antisocial disorder?

Answer: Antisocial disorder is characterized by a pattern of persistent disregard for and violation of the rights of others.

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