XII Informatics Practices Syllabus

Informatics Practices 


Code No. 065


1. Prerequisite:  Informatics Practices – Class XI 

2. Learning Outcomes 

At the end of this course, students will be able to:

  • Create Series, Data frames and apply various operations.
  • Visualize data using relevant graphs.
  • Design SQL queries using aggregate functions.
  • Import/Export data between SQL database and Pandas. 
  • Learn terminology related to networking and internet.
  • Identify internet security issues and configure browser settings.
  • Understand the impact of technology on society including gender and disability issues.

3. Distribution of Marks and Periods

Unit NoUnit NameMarksPeriods TheoryPeriods  PracticalTotal Period
1Data Handling using Pandas and Data Visualization 25252550
2Database Query using SQL25 201737
3Introduction to Computer Networks1012012
4Societal Impacts1014            –14

4. Unit Wise syllabus 

Unit 1:  Data Handling using Pandas -I                 

Introduction to Python libraries- Pandas, Matplotlib. 

Data structures in Pandas – Series and Data Frames. 

Series: Creation of Series from – ndarray, dictionary, scalar value; mathematical operations; Head and Tail functions; Selection, Indexing and Slicing. 

             Data Frames: creation – from dictionary of Series, list of dictionaries, Text/CSV files; display; iteration; Operations on rows and columns: add, select, delete, rename; Head and Tail functions; Indexing using Labels, Boolean Indexing; 

Importing/Exporting Data between CSV files and Data Frames. 

Data Visualization                                                                                  

Purpose of plotting; drawing and saving following types of plots using Matplotlib – line plot, bar graph,  histogram

Customizing plots: adding label, title, and legend in plots.

Unit 2:   Database Query using SQL

Math functions: POWER (), ROUND (), MOD ().

Text functions:  UCASE ()/UPPER (), LCASE ()/LOWER (), MID ()/SUBSTRING ()/SUBSTR (),   LENGTH (), LEFT (), RIGHT (), INSTR (), LTRIM (), RTRIM (), TRIM (). 

Date Functions:  NOW (), DATE (), MONTH (), MONTHNAME (), YEAR (), DAY (), DAYNAME ().

Aggregate Functions: MAX (), MIN (), AVG (), SUM (), COUNT (); using COUNT (*).

Querying and manipulating data using Group by, Having, Order by.

Unit 3:   Introduction to Computer Networks                                                                                 

Introduction to networks, Types of network: LAN, MAN, WAN. Network Devices: modem, hub, switch, repeater, router, gateway

Network Topologies: Star, Bus, Tree, Mesh.

Introduction to Internet, URL, WWW, and its applications- Web, email, Chat, VoIP.

Website: Introduction, difference between a website and webpage, static vs dynamic web page, web server and hosting of a website.

Web Browsers: Introduction, commonly used browsers, browser settings, add-ons and plug-ins, cookies. 

Unit 4:   Societal Impacts                                                                                                             

Digital footprint, net and communication etiquettes, data protection, intellectual property rights (IPR), plagiarism, licensing and copyright, free and open-source software (FOSS), cybercrime and cyber laws, hacking, phishing, cyberbullying, an overview of Indian IT Act. 

E-waste: hazards and management.

Awareness about health concerns related to the usage of technology. 

Project Work                                                                                                      

The aim of the class project is to create tangible and useful IT application. The learner may identify a real-world problem by exploring the environment. e.g. Students can visit shops/business places, communities or other organizations in their localities and enquire about functioning of the organization, and how data are generated, stored, and managed.

The learner can take data stored in csv or database file and analyze using Python libraries and generate appropriate charts to visualize.  

If an organization is maintaining data offline, then the learner should create a database using MySQL and store the data in tables. Data can be imported in Pandas for analysis and visualization. 

 Learners can use Python libraries of their choice to develop software for their school or any other social good.

Learners should be sensitized to avoid plagiarism and violation of copyright issues while working on projects. Teachers should take necessary measures for this. Any resources (data, image etc.) used in the project must be suitably referenced.  

The project can be done individually or in groups of 2 to 3 students. The project should be started by students at least 6 months before the submission deadline. 

Practical Marks Distribution

S.No.Unit NameMarks
1Programs using Pandas and Matplotlib8
2SQL Queries7
3Practical file (minimum of 15 programs based on Pandas,  4 based on Matplotlib and 15 SQL queries must be included)5
4Project Work (using concepts learned in class XI and XII)5

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