200+ Important Question Answer
Class 10 Computer Application [165] Question Answer
Unit 2 – HTML II [Embed Audio and Video in HTML]
Question and Answers
1. What types of Audio file can be inserted in the HTML file?
Write the name of popular audio format, which you can embed in HTML document.
Answer: MP3, WAV, MIDI, m4a, ogg/oga
2. In how many ways you can insert audio files in HTML pages?
Answer: Audio files can be inserted in threes ways in HTML pages. These are
(i) Linking to an Audio Clip,
(ii) Embedding audio file using <EMBED> tag,
(iii) Embedding audio file using <AUDIO> tag.
3. What do you mean by Linking to an Audio clip?
Answer: Linking to an audio clip is just like of linking to an external graphics or web page. It can by done by using <A> anchor tag.
<A href = “audio-file.mp3”>Play Audio </A>
4. How browser play a linked audio file?
Answer: Linked audio clips can play by helper applications like RealPlayer. When you click on the audio file, helper application starts up, and plays the clip.
If the browser finds no appropriate helper application, it prompts you to download one.
5. Write syntax to insert an audio clip in HTML page?
Answer: <A HREF = “URL of sound files”>Sound File Name </A>
Eg. <A HREF = “newsong.mp3”>Play New Song </A>
6. What do you mean by embedding an audio clip?
Answer: Embedding a audio clip means including the audio file in the HTML document, which can run from within a Web page. It can start automatically, when web page displays.
6. Differentiate between Inserting an audio and Embedding an audio clip?
Answer: Inserted audio click won’t start automatically, it will start by clicking on hyperlink text or image.
An embedded Audio clip start automatically, as soon as the page displays or it can start by clicking on play control on the embedded helper application.
7. Which program or application is require to play embedded audio clip?
Answer: Like linked audio clips, embedded sound filed rely on helper application or plug-ins, to play the sound file. Web page will load this helper application or plug-ins automatically, when detect the sound clip file.
8. How can you embed an audio file in html?
Answer: By using <EMBED> tag, you can embed an audio file in html.
9. What is <EMBED>?
Answer: <EMBED> is a tag in HTML, use to embed audio / sound clip into a web page.
<EMBED SRC = “URL OF AUDIO FILE” WIDTH=”VALUE” HEIGHT = “VALUE” LOOP = TRUE/FALSE /> Embedded objects appear on their own lines, centered on the page.
10. Describe the uses of attributes of <EMBED> tag.
Answer: <EMBED> tag has following attributes: –
(i) SRC : attribute specifies the audio file location or URL.
(ii) HEIGHT : specify the height of controls in pixels.
(iii) WIDTH : specify the width of controls in pixels.
(iv) AUTOSTART : TRUE / FALSE, when set to TRUE starts the clip automatically on page-load.
(v) LOOP : attribute when set to TRUE, forced media to loop continuously (play) on page.
11. What are the problems with the <EMBED> tag.
Answer: There are some problems with the <EMBED> tag. These are:-
(i) Different browsers support different audio formats.
(ii) If a browser does not support the file format, the audio will not play without plug-ins or the helper application,
(iii) If the plug-in is not installed on the user’s computer, the audio will not play.
12. Which HTML5 tag is used to embed audio file in web page?
Answer: The HTML5 <AUDIO> tag.
13. What is HTML5 <AUDIO> tag?
Answer: The HTML5 <AUDIO> tag is a native tag in HTML 5. It is use to embed the sound like music or other audio streams.
It plays the audio linked file in a browser without using a third party plugin such as Flash.
HTML5 <AUDIO> tag is works with all modern browser only, not with the old web browsers.
14. Write the syntax of HTML5 <AUDIO> tag.
Answer: The Syntax of HTML5 <AUDIO> tag is :
<AUDIO> <SOURCE SRC = “sound file” type = “audio mime-type/> </AUDIO>
15. Briefly explain the attributes of HTML5 <AUDIO> tag?
Answer: The HTML5 <AUDIO> tag has following attributes :
(i) SRC : specify the URL of the audio file to embed.
(ii) AUTOPLAY : TRUE / FALSE, if TRUE, then audio will begin automatically, when page load.
(iii) LOOP : TRUE / FALSE, if set TRUE, audio will start automatically, when it reached at end.
(v)<SOURCE> element of <AUDIO> tag is also use to specify the audio to embed.
16. Briefly explain the <SOURCE> element of HTML5 <AUDIO> tag?
Answer: The <SOURCE> element of HTML5 <AUDIO> tag is a sub-element. It is used to define the source of audio file along with audio MIME-type.
The syntax of sub element is :
<SOURCE SRC = “SOUNDFILE.MP3” TYPE = “audio/mp3” />
SRC attribute of <SOURCE> element defines the source of sound file and TYPE attribute of <SOURCE> defines the MIME type of the audio format.
17. Write the MIME types of MP3, Ogg, WAV.
Answer: The MIME-types of above sound formats are :
Format | MIME-type |
MP3 Ogg WAV | audio/mp3 audio/ogg audio/wav |
18. Write html code to embed a sound file using SRC atttibute of element. Display text “Browser not supported Audio file”, in case browser does not support
Answer: The html code for above question
<head> <title> Embedding Audio <./title> </head>
<AUDIO src = "nationalanthem.wav" controls = "controls">
Your browser does not support AUDIO element
19. Embed a sound file “mycstutorial.ogg” in a webpage using <audio> tag element
Answer: The html code for above question is given below. Note : mime-type for ogg files is audio/ogg.
<head> <title> Embedding Audio file mycstutorial.ogg<./title> </head>
<AUDIO controls = "controls">
<SOURCE src = "nationalanthem.wav" type = "audio/ogg" />
Your browser does not support AUDIO element
20. Which attribute of element <AUDIO> TAG is use to play audio automatically, when web page loaded in the browser.
Answer: autoplay . Example autoplay = “TRUE”