Class 12 Informatics Practices Data Visualization using Python Matplotlib MCQ’s Set 2

Plotting in Python using Matplotlib

Purpose of plotting, drawing and saving of plots using Matplotlib (line plot, bar graph, histogram). Customizing plots:- adding label, title, and legend in plots.

Data Visualization in Python – Multiple Choice Questions

Multiple Choice Questions – Set 2

21. A _______________ is a type of chart which displays information as a series of data points called markers connected by straight line segments.

a. line chart / line graph

b. bar chart

c. scatter chart

d. None of these

Answer: a. line chart / line graph

22. The data points in a line chart is known as _______.

a. indicators

b. markers

c. locators

d. None of these

Answer: b. markers

23. _______ function of PyPlot inteface is use to create a line chart.

a. bar( )

b. line()

c. plot( )

d. None of these

Answer: c. plot( )

24. _______ function can plot bar graph.

a. barplot( )

b. plotbar( )

c. bar( )

d. None of these

Answer: c. bar( )

25. _______ function can plot box graph.

a. box( )

b. boxplot( )

c. plotbox( )

d. None of these

Answer: b. boxplot( )

26. _______ function can plot histogram graph.

a. histogram( )

b. his( )

c. hist( )

d. None of these

Answer: c. bar( )

27. _______ function can plot pie chart?

a. plotpie( )

b. piechart( )

c. pie( )

d. None of these

Answer: c. pie( )

28. _______ function can plot scatter chart.

a. scatter( )

b. scat( )

c. plotscat( )

d. None of these

Answer: a. scatter( )

29. What do you mean by customization of plots?

a. Adding title

b. Showing legends

c. Showing x and y labels

d. All of these

Answer: d. All of these

30. _________ function of PyPlot is use to configure the grid lines?

a. grid( )

b. gridlines( )

c. showgrid( )

d. None of these

Answer: a. grid( )

31. _________ function of PyPlot is use to place a legend on the axes?

a. legends( )

b. legend( )

c. showlegend( )

d. None of these

Answer: b. legend( )

32. _________ function of PyPlot is use to save the current figure?

a. savefig( )

b. savefigure( )

c. figure( )

d. None of these

Answer: a. savefig( )

33. _________ function of PyPlot is use to display all figures?

a. display( )

b. displayall( )

c. show( )

d. None of these

Answer: c. show( )

34. _________ function of PyPlot is use to set a title for the axes?

a. settitle( )

b. title( )

c. titles( )

d. None of these

Answer: b. title( )

35. _________ function of PyPlot is use to set the label for the x-axis?

a. xlabel( )

b. labelx( )

c.titlex( )

d. None of these

Answer: a. xlabel( )

36. _________ function of PyPlot is use to set the label for the y-axis?

a. ylabel( )

b. labely( )

c.titley( )

d. None of these

Answer: a. ylabel( )

37. _________ function of PyPlot is use to get or set the current tick locations and labels of the x-axis?

a. xlabel( )

b. xticks( )

c. xtick( )

d. None of these

Answer: b. xticks( )

38. _________ function of PyPlot is use to get or set the current tick locations and labels of the y-axis?

a. ticks( )

b. ytick( )

c. yticks( )

d. None of these

Answer: c. yticks( )

39. A _________ is any symbol that represents a data value in a line chart or a scatter plot.

a. point

b. data

c. marker

d. None of these

Answer: c. marker

40. Data points are called _________.

a. point

b. data

c. marker

d. None of these

Answer: c. marker

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