Computer Science Class 11 Revised Syllabus

Computer Science
Code No. 083

Distribution of Marks

Unit No.Unit NameTheory MarksTheory PeriodsPractical Periods
IComputer Systems and Organisation10105
IIComputational Thinking and Programming – 1455035
IIISociety, Law and Ethics1520—-

Unit I: Computer Systems and Organisation

  • Basic computer organisation: description of a computer system and mobile system, CPU, memory, hard disk, I/O, battery.
  • Types of software: Application software, System software and Utility software.
  • Memory Units: bit, byte, MB, GB, TB, and PB.
  • Boolean logic: NOT, AND, OR, NAND, NOR, XOR, NOT, truth tables and De Morgan’s laws, Logic circuits
  • Number System: numbers in base 2, 8, 16 and binary addition.
  • Encoding Schemes : ASCII, ISCII and Unicode
  • Concept of Compiler and Interpreter
  • Operating System (OS) – need for an operating system, brief introduction to functions of OS, user interface

Unit II: Computational Thinking and Programming – 1

Introduction to Problem solving: Problem solving cycle – Analysing a problem, designing algorithms and representation of algorithm using flowchart and pseudo-code.

Familiarization with the basics of Python programming: a simple “hello world” program, the process of writing a program (Interactive & Script  mode),  running it and print statements; simple data-types: integer, float and string.

  • Features of Python, Python Character Set, Token & Identifiers, Keywords, Literals, Delimiters, Operators.
  • Comments: (Single line & Multiline/ Continuation statements), Clarity & Simplification of expression
  • Introduce the notion of a variable and methods to manipulate it (concept of L-value and R-value even if not taught explicitly).
  • Knowledge of data types and operators: accepting input from the console, assignment statement, expressions, operators and their precedence.
  • Operators & types: Binary operators-Arithmetic, Relational Operators, Logical Operators, Augmented Assignment Operators.
  • Execution of a program, errors- syntax error, run-time error and  logical error.
  • Conditional statements: if, if-else, if-elif-else; simple programs:  e.g.: absolute value, sort 3 numbers and divisibility of a number.
  • Notion of iterative computation and control flow: for(range(),len()), while, using flowcharts, suggested programs: calculation of simple and compound interests, finding the factorial of a positive number etc.
  • Strings: Traversal, operations – concatenation, repetition, membership; functions/methods–len(), capitalize(), title(), upper(), lower(), count(), find(), index(), isalnum(), islower(), isupper(), isspace(), isalpha(), isdigit(), split(), partition(), strip(), lstrip(), rstrip(), replace(); String slicing.
  • Lists: Definition, Creation of a list, Traversal of a list. Operations on a list – concatenation, repetition, membership; functions/methods–len(), list(), append(), extend(), insert(), count(), index(), remove(), pop(), reverse(), sort(), min(), max(), sum(); Lists Slicing; Nested lists; finding the maximum, minimum, mean of numeric values stored in a list; linear search on list of numbers and counting the frequency of elements in a list.
  • Tuples: Definition, Creation of a Tuple, Traversal of a tuple. Operations on   a tuple – concatenation, repetition,  membership;  functions/methods  –  len(), tuple(), count(), index(), sorted(), min(), max(), sum(); Nested tuple; Tuple slicing; finding the minimum, maximum, mean of values stored in a tuple; linear search on a tuple of numbers, counting the frequency of elements in a tuple.
  • Dictionary: Definition, Creation, Accessing elements of a dictionary, add an item, modify an item in a dictionary; Traversal, functions/methods – len(), dict(), keys(), values(), items(), get(), update(), del(), del,  clear(),  fromkeys(), copy(), pop(), popitem(), setdefault(), max(), min(), count(), sorted() copy(); Suggested programs : count the number of times a character appears in a given string using a dictionary, create a dictionary with names of employees, their salary and access them.
  • Introduction to Python modules: Importing math module (pi, e, sqrt, ceil, floor, pow, fabs, sin, cos, tan); random module (random, randint,  randrange), statistics module (mean, median, mode).

Unit III: Society, Law and Ethics

  • Cyber safety: safely browsing the web, identity protection, confidentiality, social networks, cyber trolls and bullying.
  • Appropriate usage of social networks: spread of rumours, and common social networking sites (Twitter, LinkedIn, and Facebook) and specific  usage rules.
  • Safely accessing web sites: adware, malware, viruses, trojans
  • Safely communicating data: secure connections, eavesdropping, phishing and identity verification.
  • Intellectual property rights, plagiarism, digital rights management, and licensing (Creative Commons, GPL and Apache), open source, open data, privacy.
  • Privacy laws, fraud; cyber-crime- phishing, illegal downloads, child pornography, scams; cyber forensics, IT Act, 2000.
  • Technology and society:
  • understanding of societal issues and cultural changes induced by technology.
  • E-waste management: proper disposal of used electronic gadgets.
  • Identity theft, unique ids and biometrics.
  • Gender and disability issues while teaching and using computers.
  • Practical
S.No.AreaMarks (Total=30)
1.Lab Test (12 marks)
  Python program (60% logic + 20% documentation + 20% code quality)12
2.Report File + Viva (10 marks)
  Report file: Minimum 20 Python programs7
Viva voce3
3.Project (8 marks) (that uses most of the concepts that have been learnt See CS-XII for the  rules regarding the projects)8

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