Python Revision Tour – II : String, Lists, Tuples, Dictionary – Notes

Class 12 Computer Science Python Revision Tour – II Notes

String/Text Handling in Python

What is a String?

Python strings are characters enclosed in quotes of any type – single quotation marks, double quotation marks, triple quotation marks.

An Empty string is a string that has 0 characters, i.e. ‘ ’ , “ ”, “““ ”””

S = ‘Anjeev Singh Academy’ ,    

T =  “Singh@123”


Mline = ‘‘‘Anjeev Singh Academy
is the best free online academy
on YouTube ’’’

Characteristics of String

Python strings is an immutable data type, i.e. not allowed to change in place. S[0] =‘R’ not allowed

Strings are sequences of characters, where each character has a unique index number.

The indexes of strings begin from 0 to length-1, in forward direction and  -1, -2, -3, …. , -length in backward direction.

String Traversal

Traversing a String or Text means accessing all characters of the string, character by character, through its index position.

Program – 1 : Python program to traverse a string forward using Loop.

Name = ""
for ch in Name:
    print(ch, end= " ")


m y c s t u t o r i a l . i n

Program 2 – Python program to traverse a string forward using indexing.

Name = ""
for index in range(len(Name)):
    print(Name[index],  end= " ")


m y c s t u t o r i a l . i n

Program 3 – Python program to traverse a string backward using indexing.

Name = ""
for index in range(len(Name)-1, -1, -1):
    print(Name[index],  end= " ")


n i . l a i r o t u t s c y m

Program 4 – Python program to search a character in the string using indexing.

Name = ""
ch = input("Enter a character to search : ")

Found = False

for index in range(len(Name)-1, -1, -1):
    if Name[index] == ch:
        Found = True

if Found :
    print(ch, "found in", Name)
    print(ch, "not found")


Enter a character to search : o
o found in

Enter a character to search : x
x not found

Program 5 – Python program to count occurrences of a character in the string using indexing.

Name = "abc abc xyz abc pqr"
ch = input("Enter a character to count : ")

count = 0

for index in range(len(Name)-1, -1, -1):
    if Name[index] == ch:
        count += 1

print(ch, "found ", count, "time(s)")


Enter a character to search : a
a found 3 time(s)

Enter a character to search : p
p found 1 time(s)

Enter a character to search : t
t found 0 time(s)

String Operators

Strings can be manipulated by using string operators. Python supports the following types of string operators.

+ConcatenationAdd two strings i.e. concatenate two strings. e.g.      S = “Hello” + “Shyam”
*Replication  / RepetitionReplicate the string upto n times.
in / not inMembershipTo check given character exists in the string or not.
[index]Element AccessorExtract the character from the given index position.
[ : ]Slicing [start:end:step]Extracts the characters from the given range i.e start to stop
==, !=, < , > , <=, >=Relational / Comparison OperatorThese relational operators can do comparison between strings, based on character by character  comparison rules for Unicode or Ordinal Value

String Slicing

Slice means ‘a part of’.  In Python, a string slice refers to a part of the string containing some contiguous characters from the string.


string[start : end : step]

  • where start and end are integers with legal indices.
  • will return the characters falling between indices start and end. i.e. start, start+1, start+2,…, till end-1.
  • By default value of step is 1. It is an optional argument.

Example: –

SliceOutput, if str = “Hello Anjeev
str[ 2 : ]‘llo Anjeev”
str[ : 5]“Hello”
str[4 : 8]“o Anj”
str[ : : 2]“HloAje”
str[ : : -1]“veejnA olleH”
str[-6 : -2 ]“Anje”

String Functions

Syntax to call the method – string.methodName( )

isalpha()Returns True, if the string contains only letters, otherwise returns False.
isalnum()Returns True, if the string contains alphanumeric (i.e. alphabets or number or both), otherwise returns False.
isdigit( )Return True, if the string contains only digits, otherwise returns False.
isspace( )Returns True, if the string contains only spaces, otherwise returns False.

>>>” “.isspace()
>>>”a “.isspace()
>>>” a”.isspace()
islower( )Returns True if the string contains all lowercase characters, otherwise returns False.

isupper()Returns True, if the string contains all uppercase characters, otherwise returns False.

istitle( )Returns True, if string is properly “TitleCasedString”, otherwise returns False.

>>>”Anjeev Singh Academy”.istitle()
>>>”Anjeev singh academy”.istitle()
startswith()Returns True, if string is starts with the given substring.
>>> name=”tanmay singh”
>>> name.startswith(‘tan’)
>>> name.startswith(‘tannu’)
endswith()Returns Ture, if string is ends with the given substring.
>>> name=”tanmay singh”
>>> name.endswith(‘singh’)
>>> name.endswith(‘nh’)
len(string )Returns the length of string, i.e. number of characters.

>>> name=”tanmay singh”
>>> len(name)
capitalize( )Returns a copy of string with its first character capitalized.

>>> name=”tanmay singh”
>>> name.capitalize()
‘Tanmay singh’
lower( )Returns a copy of string converted to lowercase.

>>> name=”TANMAY SINGH”
>>> name.lower()
‘tanmay singh’
upper( )Returns a copy of string converted to uppercase.

>>> name=”tanmay singh”
>>> name.upper()
title()Returns a copy of string converted to title case.
>>> name=”tanmay singh”
>>> name.title()
‘Tanmay Singh’
swapcase()Converts and returns all uppercase characters to lowercase and vice-versa.
>>> name=”Tanmay Singh”
>>> name.swapcase()
index(char)Search and returns the first occurence of given character or substring.
>>> name=”tanmay singh”
>>> name.index(‘y’)
ord(char)Returns the ordinal value (ASCII) of given character.
>>> ord(‘a’)
>>> ord(‘A’)
>>> ord(‘#’)
chr(num)Returns character represented by inputted ASCII number.

>>> chr(35)
>>> chr(65)
>>> chr(97)
count()Returns the number of times a specified value occurs in a string.
>>> name=”tanmay singh”
>>> name.count(‘a’)
lstrip() / lstrip(char)Returns a copy of the string with leading characters removed. By default removed space.
>>> data = ‘ hello ‘
>>> data.lstrip()
‘hello ‘
>>> mesg = ‘aaaRAMaaa’
>>> mesg.lstrip(‘a’)
rstrip()/ rstrip(char)Returns a copy of the string with trailing characters removed. By default removed space.

>>> data = ‘ hello ‘
>>> data.rstrip()
‘ hello’
>>> mesg = ‘aaaRAMaaa’
>>> mesg.rstrip(‘a’)
strip()Returns a copy of the string with leading and trailing characters removed.
>>> data = ‘ hello ‘
>>> data.strip()
>>> mesg = ‘aaaRAMaaa’
>>> mesg.strip(‘a’)
split()Splits the string at the specified separator, and returns a list.
>>> name=”tanmay singh”
>>> name.split(‘n’)
[‘ta’, ‘may si’, ‘gh’]

>>> message = “Hello dear welcome to”
>>> message.split()
[‘Hello’, ‘dear’, ‘welcome’, ‘to’, ‘’]
partition()Splits the string at the specified separator, and returns a tuple.
>>> name=”tanmay singh”
>>> name.partition(‘n’)
(‘ta’, ‘n’, ‘may singh’)

>>> message = “Hello dear welcome to”
>>> message.partition(‘ ‘)
(‘Hello’, ‘ ‘, ‘dear welcome to’)
join()Returns a string in which the string elements have been joined by a string separator.  Eg. ‘-’.join(‘anjeev” => ‘a-n-j-e-e-v’

>>> name=”tanmay singh”
>>> ‘#’.join(name)
‘t#a#n#m#a#y# #s#i#n#g#h’

>>> “–He–“.join(name)
‘t–He–a–He–n–He–m–He–a–He–y–He– –He–s–He–i–He–n–He–g–He–h’

Class 12 Computer Science Python Revision Tour – II Notes

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