Unit 1 – Communication Skills Class 9 NCERT Solution
Session 1: Introduction to Communication
Check Your Progress – 01 (Page No – 06)
A. Multiple choice question
Que 1. What is the purpose of communication?
a. Inform (tell someone about something)
b. Influence (get someone to do something you want)
c. Share thoughts, ideas, feelings
d. All of the above
Answer: d. All of the above
Que 2. Which of the following methods are used to receive information from the sender through a letter?
a. Listening
b. Speaking
c. Reading
d. Writing
Answer: c. Reading
Que 3. How do you receive information on phone?
a. Listening
b. Speaking
c. Reading
d. Writing
Answer: a. Listening
B. Match the columns
Que 4. Match the following columns
Column A: Communication Barriers | Column B: Examples |
1. Language | A. Trying to read a book when somebody else is watching TV in the same room. |
2. Emotional | B. In some cultures, wearing shoes and walking inside the kitchen is considered rude and disrespectful. |
3. Environmental | C. Talking in Hindi when others know only Tamil. |
4. Cultural | D. Parent is not talking to the child. |
Answer: 1 – C , 2 – D, 3 – A, 4 – B
C. Short answer questions
Que 5. Write down the seven factors affecting perspectives in communication.
Answer: The seven factors affecting perspectives in communication are
- (i) Language
- (ii) Visual Perception
- (iii) Past Experience
- (iv) Prejudice
- (v) Feelings
- (vi) Environment
- (vii) Personal Factors
- (viii) Culture
Que 6. Give an example of the following:
(a) Clear communication
(b) Complete communication
Answer: (a) Clear Communication means – Be clear about what you want to say. Example:
Ramesh bring your maths fair notebook tomorrow.
(b) Complete Communication means – Your message should have all the needed information. Example:
Ramesh bring your maths fair notebook tomorrow.
Class 9 Unit 1 Communication Skills NCERT Book Solution
Session 2: Verbal Communication
Check Your Progress – 02 (Page No – 10)
A. Multiple choice question
Que 1. Choose the correct example of oral communication
a. Reports
b. Newspapers
c. Face-to-face conversation
d. Notes
Answer: c. Face-to-face conversation
Que 2. When we communicate verbally, we should use ________.
a. difficult words
b. simple words
c. confusing words
d. abbreviations
Answer: b. simple words
Que 3. Why do we send emails?
a. To reach on time
b. To share documents and files
c. To talk to each other
d. To meet each other
Answer: b. To share documents and files
Short answer questions
Que 4. Write down the different types of verbal communication. Give an example for each type.
Answer: Types of Verbal Communication are
- (i) Oral or Spoken Communication: Communication that involves talking. Examples: Face-to-Face conversation, Group Discussion, Talking to family members at home, conversation with public through speeches, etc.
- (ii) Written Communication: Communication that involves written or typed words. Example: Wring letters, notes, emails, SMS, etc.
NCERT Solution Class 9 Unit 1 Communication Skills
Session 3: Non-Verbal Communication
Check Your Progress – 03 (Page No – 16)
A. Multiple choice question
Que 1. Which of these is a positive (good) facial expression?
a. Staring hard
b. Nodding while listening
c. Wrinkled forehead
d. Looking away from the speaker
Answer: b. Nodding while listening
Que 2. What does an upright (straight) body posture convey/show?
a. Shyness
b. Fear
c. Confidence
d. Intelligence
Answer: c. Confidence
Que 3. Which of these is not an appropriate non-verbal communication at work?
a. Putting arm around a coworker’s shoulder
b. Shaking hands firmly
c. Looking at the speaker with a smile
d. Standing with an upright posture
Answer: a. Putting arm around a coworker’s shoulder
Que 4. When you are preparing for a presentation, you should ______.
a. focus on the objectives of the presentation
b. practice your speech in front of a mirror or friend
c. do rehearsals to time your presentation of slides
d. All of the above
Answer: d. All of the above
B. Put a × mark against the actions below which are incorrect for demonstrating the use of non-verbal communication.
Que 5. Put a X mark which are incorrect.
- (i) Laughing during formal communication
- (ii) Scratching head
- (iii) Smiling when speaking to a friend
- (iv) Nodding when you agree with something
- (v) Standing straight
- (vi) Yawning while listening
- (vii) Sitting straight
- (viii) Maintaining eye contact while speaking
- (ix) Biting nails
- (x) Firm handshake
- (xi) Clenching jaws
- (xii) Looking away when someone is speaking to you
- (xiii) Intense stare
Answer: Incorrect are: (i), (ii), (vi), (ix), (xi), (xii)
C. Short answer questions
Que 6. Give examples of any four common signs used for visual
Answer: Common signs used for visual communication are

Communication Skill Class 9 NCERT Book Solution
Session 4: Writing Skills: Parts of Speech
Check Your Progress – 04 (Page No – 24)
A. Multiple choice question
Que 1. What is a sentence?
a. A group of ideas that form a complete paragraph
b. A group of words that communicate a complete thought
c. A set of rules that we must follow to write correctly
d. A set of words that contains all the basic punctuation marks
Answer: b. A group of words that communicate a complete thought
Que 2. Which of these sentences use uppercase letters correctly?
a. I am Hungry
b. Divya and sunil are reading
c. The bucket is Full of water
d. She lives in Delhi.
Answer: d. She lives in Delhi.
Que 3. Which of these sentences are punctuated correctly?
a. Where are you going
b. I have a pen a notebook and a pencil.
c. I am so happy to see you!
d. This is Abdul’s house.
Answer: (b) and (d)
4. Underline the noun, pronoun, adjective, verb and adverb in these sentences.
(a) Sanjay plays football everyday.
(b) Divya gave him new books.
(c) I opened the red box carefully.
Answer: Noun: Sanjay, football, Divya, books, box,
Pronoun: him, I,
Adjective: new, red,
Verb: plays, gave, opened,
Adverb: everyday, carefully
NCERT Solution Unit 1 Communication Skill Class 9
Session 5: Writing Skills: Sentences
Check Your Progress – 05 (Page No – 31)
A. Multiple choice question
Que 1. Identify the subject in the sentence, “The children played football.”
a. The children
b. Children played
c. Played
d. Football
Answer: a. The children
Que 2. Identify the object in the sentence, “The children played
a. The children
b. Children played
c. Played
d. Football
Answer: d. Football
Que 3. Which of these sentences has both indirect and direct objects?
a. I am watching TV.
b. She bought a blue pen.
c. The girls played cricket.
d. He wrote his sister a letter
Answer: d. He wrote his sister a letter
Que 4. Which of these sentences is in passive voice?
a. They are watching a movie.
b. The clock was repaired by Raju.
c. He is sleeping in the room.
d. My pet dog bit the postman.
Answer: b. The clock was repaired by Raju.
Short answer questions
Que 5. Write one sentence of each type—statement, question, exclamatory and order.
Answer: Statement: It is very cold.
Question: How is the weather?
Exclamatory: Oh, it’s so cold!
Order: Wear your sweater.
Que 6. Which is your favourite festival? Write two paragraphs about your favourite festival. Each paragraph should have a minimum of four sentences. Make sure you follow all the rules about sentences and paragraphs you have learnt.
Answer: – -self practice–
Que 7. Practice speaking correct sentences with your classmates. Try and find the parts of sentences which you use commonly.
Answer: – self practice –