Class 9 Employability Skills Unit 5 Green Skills NCERT Book Solution

Class 9 Employability Skills

Unit 5 Green Skills NCERT Book Solution

Hello Dear Readers!

In this article, I have shared the NCERT Book Exercise Solution of Unit 5 Green Skills. It should be extremely helpful for your exam preparation and will hopefully contribute to you scoring well in the examination.

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Session 1: Society and Environment

Check Your Progress

A. Multiple-choice questions

Read the questions carefully and circle the letter (a), (b), (c) or (d) that best answers the question.

1. What are some of the environmental changes caused due to modern methods of agriculture?
(a) Chemical pollution due to fertilisers
(b) Improvement in the environment
(c) Lower air pollution due to crops
(d) Decrease in forest areas

Answer: (a) Chemical pollution due to fertilisers

2. How can we conserve our health and environment? (Choose all the correct options)
(a) Grow organic crops
(b) Use natural fertilisers
(c) Manage waste water
(d) Use more air conditioning

Answer: (b) Use natural fertilisers

3. A steel factory burns firewood and charcoal for heating and melting the steel. What are the possible effects on the environment? (Choose all the correct options)
(a) Increase in global temperature
(b) Decrease in global temperature
(c) Increase in air pollution
(d) Decrease in air pollution

Answer: (c) Increase in air pollution

B. Short answer questions

1. What are the five sources of energy available to us? Give two examples of each source.

Answer: Five sources of energy are –

  • (a) Sun – Solar Energy, Electricity
  • (b) Wind – Wind Energy, Electricity
  • (c) Water – Hydropower
  • (d) Natural Gas – Electricity
  • (e) Coal – Light and Electricity
  • (f) Nuclear plants – Electicity

2. What are the sources of pollution?

Answer: Factory wastage, Fossil fuel emissions, Agricultural Waste, Plastic, Insecticides, Pesticides, Chemicals, Cattle dung, etc.

3. Classify the following under the three respective categories of natural resources:
Air, iron, sand, petroleum, wind, clay, fish, forest, gold, pearls.


InexhaustibleRenewableNon- renewable
Iron, Gold, Pearls, FishWind, Forest, AirPetroleum, Sand, clay

Session 2: Conserving Natural Resources

Check Your Progress

A. Multiple-choice questions

Read the questions carefully and circle the letter (a), (b), (c) or (d) that best answers the question.

1. What does conservation of energy mean? (Choose all options that apply)
(a) Saving energy
(b) Producing energy
(c) Using energy efficiently
(d) Creating energy sources

Answer: (a) Saving energy and (c) Using energy efficiently

2. Which of the following are non-renewable resources? (Choose all options that apply)
(a) Coal
(b) Diesel
(c) Sun
(d) Water

Answer: (a) Coal & (b) Diesel

3. Which of the following is an example of renewable resources?
(a) Coal
(b) Solar Energy
(c) CNG
(d) Petroleum

Answer: (b) Solar Energy

B. Short answer questions

1. Write any three actions which you can take to conserve energy.


  • Switch off lights, fans, TV, and other electrical items, when not in use,
  • Do not keep the door of a refrigerator open for a long time.
  • Travelling in a bus or travelling in a group in a carpool is better than going alone in a car.
  • Use methods of cooking that use less energy, like use a pressure cooker or solar cooker to cook food

2. Describe any three methods of water conservation.

Answer: Methods of water conservation are

  • Growing vegetation in the catchment areas
  • Constructing dams and reservoirs to regulate supply of water.
  • Judicious use of water in our day-to-day life.
  • Rainwater harvesting should be done by storing rainwater and recharging groundwater.
  • Sewage and Industrial wastes should be treated and only the clear water should be released into the rivers.

3. What is the purpose of soil conservation?

Answer: Soil conservation means checking soil erosion and improving soil fertility by adopting various methods.

The purpose of Soil Conservation –

  • Maintenance of soil fertility
  • Control on grazing
  • Reforestation
  • Terracing
  • Contour ploughing

4. State any three ways by which we can save energy.

Answer: Ways of conserving Energy are –

  • Switch off lights, fans, TV, and other electrical items, when not in use
  • Use tube lights and energy-efficient bulbs that save energy rather than bulbs.
  • Keep the bulbs and tubes clean.
  • Remove dust on the tubes and bulbs to improve lighting levels by 10 to 20%.
  • Use a pressure cooker to save the energy required for cooking.
  • Keep vessels covered with a lid during cooking. It is useful in cooking the food faster and saving energy.
  • Electric items like air conditioners geysers, heaters, and dryers use a lot of electrical power. Use them when necessary.
  • Do not keep the door of a refrigerator open for a long time.
  • Cool hot food before putting it in the refrigerator.

Session 3: Sustainable Development and Green Economy

Check Your Progress

A. Multiple-choice questions

Read the questions carefully and circle the letter (a), (b), (c), or (d) that best answers the question.

1. Which of the following options describes a green economy correctly? A green economy _________.
(a) uses less resources
(b) uses more resources
(c) wastes less items
(d) wastes more items

Answer: (a) uses less resources

B. Short answer questions

1. What are green skills?

Answer: The skills used for promoting a green economy are known as green skills. These skills are needed in areas similar to renewable energy, sewer water treatment, climate-resilient cities, green construction, solid waste management, etc.

2. Give two examples of green skills that you can start learning from now.

Answer: Green Skills are – (a) Technical Skills, (b) Vocational Skills, (iii) Life Skills, (iv) Critical Thinking Skills

These skills I try to learn from now.

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