Class 10 Artificial Intelligence Question Bank: Basics of AI
Two (02) Mark Questions
1. What is Data science? Give an example of it.
Answer: Data sciences is a domain of AI related to data systems and processes, in which the system collects numerous data, maintains data sets and derives meaning/sense out of them. The information extracted through data science can be used to make a decision about it.
Data science is the field of study that combines domain expertise, programming skills, and knowledge of mathematics and statistics to extract meaningful insights from data.
Data Sciences, it is a concept to unify statistics, data analysis, machine learning and their related methods in order to understand and analyses actual phenomena with data.
For example: a company that has petabytes of user data may use data science to develop effective ways to store, manage, and analyze the data.
2. What is Computer Vision? Give an example of it.
Answer: Computer Vision, abbreviated as CV, is a domain of AI that depicts the capability of a machine to get and analyze visual information and afterwards predict some decisions about it. The entire process involves image acquiring, screening, analyzing, identifying and extracting information.
Computer vision is an interdisciplinary field that deals with how computers can be made to gain high-level understanding from digital images or videos.
The Computer Vision domain of Artificial Intelligence, enables machines to see through images or visual data, process and analyze them on the basis of algorithms and methods in order to analyze actual phenomena with images.
For Example: – Self-Driving cars/ Automatic Cars, Face Lock in Smartphones
3. What is Natural Language Processing? Give an example of it.
Answer: Natural Language Processing, abbreviated as NLP, is a branch of artificial intelligence that deals with the interaction between machine/computers and humans using the natural language. Natural language refers to language that is spoken and written by people, and natural language processing (NLP) attempts to extract information from the spoken and written word using algorithms.
Natural Language Processing, or NLP, is the sub-field of AI that is focused on enabling machine/computers to understand and process human languages. AI is a subfield of Linguistics, Computer Science, Information Engineering, and Artificial Intelligence concerned with the interactions between computers and human (natural) languages, in particular how to program computers to process and analyze large amounts of natural language data.
In NLP, we teach machines how to understand and communicate in human language. Natural language refers to speech analysis in both audible speeches, as well as text of a language. NLP systems capture meaning from an input of words (sentences, paragraphs, pages, etc.)
For Example: Email filters, Smart assistants: – Apple’s Siri and Amazon’s Alexa
4. Where do we collect data from?
Answer: Data can be collected from various sources like –
• Surveys
• Sensors
• Observations
• Web scrapping (Internet)
• Interviews
• Documents and records.
• Oral histories
5. Why do we need to collect data?
Answer: Data to a machine is similar to food for human being to function. The world of Artificial Intelligence revolves around Data. Every company whether small or big is collecting data from as many sources as possible. Data is called the New Gold today. It is through data collection that a business or management has the quality information they need to make informed decisions from further analysis, study, and research. Data collection allows them to stay on top of trends, provide answers to problems, and analyze new insights to great effect.
6. What is data mining? Explain with example.
Answer: Data mining is the process of analyzing large data sets and extracting the useful information from it. Data mining is used by companies to turn raw data into useful information. It is an interdisciplinary subfield of computer science and statistics with an overall goal to extract information
Data mining is an automatic or semi-automatic technical process that analyses large amounts of scattered information to make sense of it and turn it into knowledge. It looks for anomalies, patterns or correlations among millions of records to predict results, as indicated by the SAS institute, a world leader in business analytics.
Price Comparison websites- They collect data about a product from different sites and then analyze trends out of it and show up the most appropriate results.
Data mining is also known as Knowledge Discovery in Data (KDD) To be moved to chapter no. 3
7. What do you understand by Data Privacy?
Answer: The world of Artificial Intelligence revolves around Data. Proper and ethical handling of own data or user data is called data privacy. It is all about the rights of individuals with respect to their personal information.
Data privacy or information privacy is a branch of data security concerned with the proper handling of data – consent, notice, and regulatory obligations. More specifically, practical data privacy concerns often revolve around: Whether or how data is shared with third parties
8. Is data which is collected by various applications ethical in nature? Justify your
Answer: Yes, most of the times, the data collected by various applications is ethical in nature as the users agree to it by clicking on allow when the application asks for various permissions. They ask for our data for various facilities like – to show us personalized recommendations and advertisements and to make their app more accurate and efficient.
No, the data collected by various applications is not always ethical in nature. Sometimes, we just share our data to non – trusted third party applications without reading what happens to our data. This may lead to unethical use of our data. If one does not want to share his/her data with anyone, he/she can opt for alternative applications which are of similar usage and keep the data private. For example, an alternative to WhatsApp is the Telegram app which does not collect any data from us.
Note: This is an open-ended question, so both the answers yes/no will be considered right with correct justification.