Class 10 Computer Applications 165 Networking Ch 2 – Internet Services 100+ Question and Answer

Internet Services

1. What is Web Services?

Answer: Web Services are the software based services that take place when two electronic devices connected via network, communicate over WWW’s HTTP.

2. What is Internet Services?

Answer: The services available on the internet or through internet we are getting those services, called Internet Service. Retrive or Search information, e-mail to friends or relatives, video conferencing, chatting, uploading files, downloading files, participation in a discussion forum, etc. are known as Internet Services.

3. What is Net Surfing?

Answer: Exploring the web or looking for any information on the internet, is called “Net Surfing”.

4. What do you mean by Information Retrieval?

Answer: Accessing/Retrieving the information on the internet, through a web browser, is known as Information Retrieval. To retrieve information, we need a program called a browser. To visit a site on the Net, you need to supply the address/URL of the site in the browser.

5. What is Browser?

Answer: A browser is a program that lets you visit different (web) sites on the Net and display their offering on your computer.

6. What do you mean by Downloading?

Answer: Making a copy of the requested web page or file or document on your local computer is called downloading.

7. What is E-mail?

Answer: E-mail stands for Electronic mail. It is the most widely used tool to send messages electronically on a network. E-mail is used to send written messages between individuals or groups of individuals. E-mail messages are generally sent from and received by mail servers. To send or received an email, the sender and receiver must have a valid e-mail address.

For example: username@hostname

8. What are Mail servers?

Answer: Mail servers are computers, that are dedicated to processing and directing e-mail. Mail servers are responsible to directs the messages to the specific mail addressed.

9. What are the advantages of E-mail?

Answer: Advantages of E-mail are –

  • Low Cost
  • Speed
  • Waste Reduction
  • Ease of use
  • Record maintenance
  • Patience

10. What are the limitations of E-mail?

Answer: Limitations of E-mail are –

  • Hardware Requirement
  • Impermanent
  • A hasty medium
  • Hard to convey emotions

Class 10 Computer Applications [Code 165]

Unit 1 Networking – Internet Services 100+ Question Answers

11. What are the different parts of email addresses?

Answer: The E-mail address has two parts separated by @ (at) symbol.

  • (a) Username: On the left side of @ separator is the user name. A user name can not have blanks.
  • (b) Domain name for the host server: The portion to the right of @ identifies the server or host or network that services your e-mail. It is also known as e-mail server.

12. How many types of email account?

Answer: There are two types of e-mail account

(a) Web-based online e-mail account (FREE) & (b) ISP server-based e-mail account (PAID).

13. Write the name of five hostname/mail servers to create an e-mail account.

Answer: Five famous mail server/host / domain names for creating web-based e-mail accounts are –

(i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v)

14. Write the steps to create a web-based e-mail account

Answer: To create a web-based e-mail account, follow these steps:-

  • (i) Connect your computer/smartphone with internet.
  • (ii) Open a web browser,
  • (iii) Type in address bar of browser.
  • (iv) Click on Sign up for Gmail, and follow the instructions (enter all the required details).

15. What is e-mail client / MAU?

Answer: E-mail client / MUA (mail user agent) is a front end computer program used to manage e-mail.

16. Write the name of three e-mail client software?

Answer: Some popular e-mail client software are-

(a) Mozilla Thunderbird (b) Postbox Express (c) eM (d) WindowsLive mail (e) Claws mail (f) Zimbra Suit Opera mail

17. How can you view received mails on Gmail?

Answer: To view received emails,

  • (i) first open the web browser,
  • (ii) type in url/address bar,
  • (iii) click on sign-in button,
  • (iv) type user id and password and sign in.
  • (v) Click on Inbox and check the e-mails.

18. How can you reply and forward an email?

Answer: To reply and forward an email message, follow these steps:-

(a) Click on the e-mail in the inbox.

(b) There are Reply and Forward click.

(c) Choose Reply, if you want to give reply to the sender.

Choose Forward, if want to forward the same email to another.

19. What is Inbox?

Answer: Inbox is the name of folder that stores your receive mails.

20. Explain the components of email.

Answer: Components of email are –

  • (i) FROM : From field contains address of sender.
  • (ii) TO : To field contains the address of receivers i.e. which mail will be sent.
  • (iii) CC : CC stands for Carbon copy. In this field you can add the addresses of those to whom you want to send copy this mail.
  • (iv) BCC : BCC stands for Blind Carbon Copy. Here you can also write the address of email, to whom you want to send the copy this mail. But BCC recipient’s name is not visible to the other recipients. The BCC recipients can see the TO and CC addresses.
  • (v) SUBJECT : A short title for the mail.
  • (vi) BODY : The message of email.
  • (vii) ATTACHMENTS : You can attach one or more documents or any other file with you e-mail, through attachments.
  • (viii) DATE : In this, date and time on which the message was sent from sender’s computer.
  • (ix) MESSAGE-ID : Unique message-id assigned to each mail, helps in tracking mail. It managed by internal mail system.

Unit 2 HTML II

21. How can you send mail to your friends? Write steps for sending email.

Answer: To send mail to your friends, first open your mail account, then follow these steps:-

(i) Click at the Compose or New Mail or Compose Mail button. It open a compose message window.

(ii) In the Compose Message window, type the mail id of recipient under the TO field.

(iii) Under the CC field, type the recipient address, to whom, you want to send copy of the same mail. (iv) In the BCC field, type the recipient address of Blinds Carbon Copy.

(iv) Under the Subject field, type the title of the email.

(v) In the body window, type the appropriate message.

(vi) If you want to attach any documents, click on an attachment, and select the appropriate file or documents.

(vii) Finally, click on the send button..

22. Write one similarity and one difference between CC and BCC?

Answer: Similarity: Both CC and BCC forward a copy of the message to everyone you’ve listed.

Difference: The main difference between CC i.e. carbon copy and BCC i.e. Blind Carbon Copy, the CC recipient don’t come to know about BCC recipient, while BCC recipient can come to know about every one recipient.

23. What is Spam and Junk Mail?

Answer: Spam : Spam is a irrelevant or inappropriate messages or mail sent on the internet to a large number of people.

Junk Mails: Junk mail is the unwanted or unsolicited advertising or promotional material received through mail or email.

Spam and Junk Mail are used interchangeably.

24. Write full form of SPAM.

Answer: SPAM : Send People Alotta Mail

25. Who is spammers?

Answer: People who are sending bulk mails or junk mails to the hundreds, thousands or even millions of email addresses, called Spammers.

26. What is Search Engine?

Answer: A Search Engine is a program that searches through a database of web pages for particular information.

27. Write the name of five search engine with their URL.

Answer: There are many search engine on the web. Five popular search engines are –

(i) Google –

(ii) Bing –

(iii) Yahoo! Search –

(iv) Ask –

(v) AOL –

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