Case Study-based Question
For the SMIS System given in Chapter 5, let us do the following:
Write a program to take in the roll number, name and percentage of marks for n students of Class X. Write user defined functions to
• accept details of the n students (n is the number of students)
• search details of a particular student on the basis of roll number and display result
• display the result of all the students
• find the topper amongst them
• find the subject toppers amongst them
(Hint: use Dictionary, where the key can be roll number and the value is an immutable data type containing name and percentage) Let’s peer review the case studies of others based on the parameters given under “DOCUMENTATION TIPS” at the end of Chapter 5 and provide a feedback to them.
Case Study-based Questions
1. A bank is a financial institution which is involved in borrowing and lending of money. With advancement in technology, online banking, also known as internet banking allows customers of a bank to conduct a range of financial transactions through the bank’s website anytime, anywhere. As part of initial investigation you are suggested to
• collect a bank’s application form. After careful analysis of the form, identify the information required for opening a savings account. Also enquire about the rate of interest offered for a
saving account.
• The basic two operations performed on an account are Deposit and Withdrawal. Write a menu driven program that accepts either of the two choices of Deposit and Withdrawal, then accepts an amount, performs the transaction and accordingly displays the balance. Remember, every bank has a requirement of minimum balance which needs to be taken care of during withdrawal operations. Enquire about the minimum balance required in your bank.
• Collect the interest rates for opening a fixed deposit in various slabs in a savings bank account. Remember, rates may be different for senior citizens.
Finally, write a menu driven program having the following options (use functions and appropriate data types):
• Open a savings bank account
• Deposit money
• Withdraw money
• Take details, such as amount and period for a Fixed Deposit and display its maturity amount for a particular customer.
2. Participating in a quiz can be fun as it provides a competitive element. Some educational institutes use it as a tool to measure knowledge level, abilities and/or skills of their pupils either on a general level or in a specific field of study. Identify and analyse popular quiz shows and write a Python program to create a quiz that should also contain the following functionalities besides the one identified by you as a result of your analysis.
• Create an administrative user ID and password to categorically add, modify, delete a question.
• Register the student before allowing her or him to play a quiz
• Allow selection of category based on subject area
• Display questions as per the chosen category
• Keep the score as the participant plays
• Display the final score
3. Our heritage monuments are our assets. They are a reflection of our rich and glorious past and an inspiration for our future. UNESCO has identified some of Indian heritage sites as World heritage sites. Collect the following information about these
• What is the name of the site?
• Where is it located?
▪ District
▪ State
• When was it built?
• Who built it?
• Why was it built?
• Website link (if any).
Write a Python program to
• create an administrative user ID and password to add, modify or delete an entered heritage site in the list of sites
• display the list of world heritage sites in India
• search and display information of a world heritage site entered by the user
• display the name(s) of world heritage site(s) on the basis of the state input by the user.
4. Every mode of transport utilises a reservation system to ensure its smooth and efficient functioning. If you analyse you would find many things in common. You are required to identify reservation system for it. For example, let us look at the Railway reservation system we talked about earlier. The complex task of designing a good railway reservation system is seen as designing the different components of the system and then making them work with each other efficiently. Possible subsystems are shown in Figure 1. Each of them may be modelled using functions.
Write a python code to automate the reservation needs of the identified mode of transport.