Class 10 Info Tech Unit 3 RDBMS Session 4 – Retrieve Data Using Query 50+ Question Answer

Class 10 Information Technology [402]

Unit 3 Relational Database Management System

300+ Important Question Answer based on NCERT book.

Session 4 – Retrieve Data Using Query

(Using Wizard, Design, and SQL)

NOTES in form of Question Answer

1. What is Query?

Answer: In Base, Query is a way to collect, find, know and extract data from the pool of data i.e. database tables.

2. What is a database query?

Answer: A database query is a stored object that extracts data from a database as per a condition and presents it in a readable it in a readable, formatted form.

3. In how many ways you can create a query in Base?

Answer: In Base, the query can be created in three ways:- (a) Query in Design View (b) Query using Query Wizard (c) Query in SQL View

4. How query is useful?

Answer: A query helps, to get the information from different tables, to get the information from multiple tables, and filter that information.

5. What do you mean by filtering?

Answer: Filtering means that the query uses criteria you provide to hide some data and present only what you want to see.

6. Write the steps to create a Query using the Query wizard.

Answer: The simplest way to create queries in Base is the Query wizard. Follow these steps to create a query using Query Wizard:-

(a) Open the database

(b) Select the Queries tab under the Database object.

(c) Click Use Wizard to Create Query

(d) Select the tables, on which you want to query.

(e) Select the field’s name, and click on Next.

(f) Specify the sort order, if required.

(g) Specify the condition or search conditions (filter criteria, if required), click next.

(h) Specify the alias names, if you want. Click next.

(i) It will show you an overview of the query, Click Finish.

Finally, it will show you records matching the condition of your query.

7. What do you mean by query using design view?

Answer: Query using design view used to create a query like other database objects. The design view allows to create queries based on one or several database tables.

8. Write the steps to create a Query in Design View.

Answer: Steps to create a Query in Design View are:-

(a) Open the Database file.

(b) Select the object – Queries in the Database.

(c) Perform the command Create Query in the Design view

(d) Select and add the tables from which to retrieve data.

(e) Select the table fields that are to be included in the query result.

(f) Specify the Query Criteria

(g) Save the query, entering a name for it.

9. How query using Query Wizard differ from the query in Design View?

Answer: Query in Design View allows to specify selection criteria or filter for a field without including the field itself in the result table.

10. What sections are available in the Query Design window? Explain briefly.

Answer: Query Design Windows has two sections – (a) Top-section and (b) bottom section.

Top Section, can show the tables are added. The bottom section uses to design the parameters for the query.

11. Explain the bottom section of the query design window?

Answer: The bottom section of the query design window has the following rows:-

(a) Field: The field row is used to select the desired field by clicking on the down arrow.

(b) Alias: The alias row is used to specify the alternate name or text want to display in the query as a column header.

(c) Table : specify the table name, the table name appears automatically when you click on this, depending on the field.

(d) Sort: use to specify sorting criteria.

(e) Visible: to specify whether the field is visible in the query or not.

(f) Function : To specify the function

(g) Criteria: use to specify the filter criteria or selection condition.

(h) Or: use to specify the multiple optional conditions.

12. Can you create a query on multiple tables? If yes then how?

Answer: Yes, We can perform queries based on multiple tables.

To create a query based on multiple tables, for which first of all we have to select (add) multiple tables. Link the tables basis of common fields. i.e. related fields. Then follow the steps of creating a query in the design view.

13. How to specify the multiple conditions in the query in the design view?

Answer: Multiple conditions or criteria can be specified using AND and OR.

For example :

Gender = ‘Male’ AND Class_Sec = ‘X-A’ OR Fee <= 1500

14. What is AND condition? How do specify AND conditions?

Answer: AND condition means must be true.

When multiple criteria are specified with AND, then the query will select only those rows which satisfy all criteria i.e. all criteria must hold.

To specify the AND criteria in Design View, specify the criteria of multiple fields in the same row of criteria.

15. What is OR condition? How do specify OR conditions?

Answer: OR condition means anyone can be true.

When multiple criteria are specified with OR, then the query will select those rows which satisfy anyone criteria i.e. either this or another criterion should hold.

To specify the OR criteria in Design View, specify the criteria of multiple fields in the different rows of criteria and Or rows.

16. What do you mean by Grouping Data in queries?

Answer: Grouping data in the query means dividing (grouping) the all rows (records) into multiple groups on the basis of the same value for a field in a group.

Grouping of data in query requires two things: –

(i) A group field

(ii) Grouping Function

17. What is group-field?

Answer: A non-primary key field that has the same values for multiple records, can be used as a group field. Such fields can be used for the grouping of records and are called group field. Grouping in a table is possible only if it has a group field.

18. What is Grouping Function / Aggregate Function / Summary Functions?

Answer: Grouping functions are also called Aggregate Functions as they aggregate the values of records.

Aggregate functions also known as Summary Functions produce a single value from a set of values.

19. Write the name of Aggregate functions and their purpose?

Answer: There are five aggregate functions in base: –

(i) Count: to count the number of records in a group of records.

(ii) Sum: to calculate the total of a field’s values for a group of records.

(iii) Average: to calculate the average of a field’s values for a group of records.

(iv) Minimum: to calculate the minimum value of a field’s values for a group of records.

(v) Maximum: to calculate the maximum value of a field’s values for a group of records.

20. What are Summary queries and Detailed queries?

Answer: The queries created by grouping records are called Summary queries.

Non-grouped queries are called Detailed queries.

21. How is a detailed query different from a summary query?

Answer: In a Detailed Query all records that match the specified criterion are displayed.

In a Summary Query, only the aggregated/grouped result such as the sum, average, minimum, or maximum value is shown.

SQL ( Structured Query Language) in Base

** Session 4 – Retrieve Data Using Query NCERT book Question Answer Click Here

Class 10 Info Tech 402 (IT 402): Unit 3 – DBMS (Database Management System) Question-Answer and MCQs

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