Class 10 Info Tech Unit 3 RDBMS Session 5 – Create Forms and Reports using Wizard 50+ Question Answer

Class 10 Information Technology [402]

Unit 3 Relational Database Management System

300+ Important Question Answer based on NCERT book.

Session 5 – Create Forms and Reports using Wizard

NOTES in form of Question Answer

1. What is Form?

Answer: Form is an interface in a user-defined layout that lets users view, enter, and change data directly in database objects like tables.

A form provides the user with a systematic way of storing information in the database.

2. In how many ways, you can create a form in Base?

Answer: In Base, Forms can be created in two ways :

(a) Using Wizard (b) In Design View

3. Write the steps to create a form using Form Wizard?

Answer: Steps to create Form using the wizard:

(i) Open Base and open the database.

(ii) Click Forms in the left pane and Click Use Wizard to Create Form. The Form Wizard dialog box appears.

(iii) Select tables and fields. Click on Next

(iv) Subform setup started, click to Add Subform if you want to insert the contents in a separate form. Click Next.

(v) Now you need to arrange selected fields in a form. You can use different styles from the list. Click Next.

(vi) Another dialog box appears, wherein you can select the data entry model.

(vii) Choose an appearance for your form and click Next.

(viii) You see a dialog box where you can specify the name of the form. Click Finish.

A form window appears. Notice that the records in the table are displayed automatically within the form that you just created.

4. How many types of form arrangements are available in Base?

Answer: There are four types of Form Arrangement in Base. These are

(a) Columnar – Labels Left,

(b) Columnar – Labels on Top,

(c) As Data Sheet,

(d) In Blocks – Labels Above

5. How many types of data entry modes are in Base?

Answer: There are two types of data entry modes. These are

(a) Entering New Data only

(b) Form is to display all data.

6. What types of options are available under the entry mode – “Display all data”?

Answer: (a) Do not all modification of existing data.

(b) Do not allow deletion of existing data

(c) Do not allow the addition of new data.

7. Write the name of all types of styles.

Answer: (a) Beige (b) Violet (c) Bright Blue (d) Light Grey (e) Dark (f) Orange (f) Ice Blue (g) Grey (h) Water (i) Red

8. How many types of Field Border are in Form?

Answer: Three types of Field Border are in Form.

9. Write the name of all types of Field borders.

Answer: (a) No border (b) 3-D look (c) Flat

10. In what ways you can proceed with the form after creating it.

Answer: We can proceed with the form in two ways:-

(a) Work with the form

(b) Modify the form.

11. How can you enter a new record in the table through Forms?

Answer: By clicking on the New Record button in the Form Navigation toolbar, we can add a new record to the table using the form.

12. Write the steps to modify the form.

Answer: A form can be modified by using the following steps:-

(a) Open Base,

(b) Select Forms from the left pane,

(c) Make a right-click on the Form and Select Edit option, It will open the form in the Design view.

After that, you can do the desired changes in the form.

13. How can you view the saved records?

Answer: To view the saved records, double-click on TableName under the Tables – section. It will open a window Table Data View.

14. Write steps to search a record in the form?

Answer: To search for a record, follow these steps:-

  • (a) Double-click on the Form, to open form windows.
  • (b) In the form window, click on the find record button
  • (c) A record search dialog is open, where you can specify the search criteria and click on the search button.

15. How can you insert a record using form?

Answer: To insert a record,

(a) Double-click on the Form, to open form windows.

(b) Click on the New Record Button, in the bottom toolbar.

(c) Type the values in the new empty record that appears.

(d) Click the Save Record button.

16. How can you delete a record using form?

Answer: To delete a record,

(a) Double-click on the Form, to open form windows.

(b) Load the record to be deleted either by searching or using the navigation button.

(d) Click on the Delete Record button on the bottom toolbar.

17. What is a Report or Database Report?

Answer: A database report is the formatted result of data coming from database objects like tables or queries.

A report helps to display the data in a summarized manner. It is used to generate the overall work outcome in a clear format.

18. How can you create a Report in Base?

Answer: In Base, a report can be created by “Using Wizard”.

19. Write steps to create a Report in Base.

Answer: To create a Report in Base, follow the given steps:-

  • Click on the Reports section under Database in the OpenOffice base application.
  • Click on Use Wizard to Create Report… option available under Tasks.
  • Under the Field selection steps, First, select tables or queries and then select the field for the report. Click on the Next button.
  • Under the labeling fields, specify the labels for the fields. Click on the Next button.
  • Under the Grouping step, select the field on which you want to group the records. It is an optional step. Click on the Next button.
  • Under the sort step, specify the field on which you want to sort the record. Click on the Next button.
  • Under the layout step, select the orientation of the report. Click on the Next button.
  • Finally, under the Crate report step, specify the name of the Report and click on the Finish button.

**Session 5 – Create Forms and Reports using Wizard NCERT book Question Answer Click Here

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