Unit 2 Operating Web important 100+ Question Answer Class 12 IT 802

Que 21: What is eGovernance? [CBSE QP 2019]

Answer:  E-Governance stands for Electronic Governance. It is the use of electronic i.e. information and communication technology tools for governance by the government for the citizens.

Que 22: What are the objectives of eGovernance?  [CBSE SQP]

Answer: E-Governance or electronic governance is the use of electronic i.e. information and communication technology (ICT) tools for governance by the government for the citizens. Basic Objective is to provide access to every piece of information of the Government and of public importance.

Que 23: How e-Governance does empower the citizens. Give 3 points.  [CBSE SQP]

E-governance empowers the citizens socially and economically, and enhances their lives by providing them with quality information and better services. It enables citizens to access information directly, without paying any money to a middleman or a tout. It ushers transparency into the system.

Que 24: Write advantages of eGovernance. [CBSE SQP]

Answer: Advantages of E-Governance:

  • E-governance empowers citizens socially and economically and enhances their lives by providing them with quality information and better services. 
  • It enables citizens to access information directly, without paying any money to a middleman or a tout.
  • It ushers transparency into the system.

Que 25: What tools including the ICT?

The ICT tools include the Internet, Local Area Networks (LAN), mobiles, etc.

Que 26: What facilitates ICT?

Answer: The use of ICT facilitates providing access to information for the citizens of the government.

Que 27: Write the list of three ICT-enabled services set up by the Government.

Answer: The government has set up ICT-enabled services that are

  • Registration of birth/death certificate,
  • Booking of railway tickets,
  • RTI application submission,
  • FIR Complain

Que 28: How many categories of the services of the e-governance portal?

Answer: The services of the e-governance portal can be broadly classified into two broad categories:

  • to provide information and
  • to provide online services.

Que 29: What is the full form NICNET?

Answer:  National Informatics Centre Network

Que 30: What is the main thrust for e-Governance in India.

Answer: In India, the main thrust for e-Governance was provided by the launching of NICNET in 1987. NICNET is the national satellite based computer network.

Que 31: Under which program, all district offices are computerizing?

Answer: Under the District Information System of the National Informatics Centre (DISNIC) program to computerize all district offices in the country for which free hardware and software was offered to the State Governments.

Que 32: What boosted the e-Governance process and in which year?

Answer: The formulation of National e-Governance Plan (NeGP) by the Department of Electronics and Information Technology (DEITY) and Department of Administrative Reforms and Public Grievances (DAR&PG) in 2006 has boosted the e-Governance process.

Que 33: Write the full form of the following: –

(a) NeGP                (b) DISNIC             (c) NIC                  (d) DAR & PG       

(e) DEITY               (f) MoCIT              (g) NeGD              (h) MMP

(i) NeGP

(a) NeGP – National e-Governance Plan

(b) DISNIC – District Information System of the National Informatics Centre

(c) NIC – National Informatics Centre

(d) DAR&PG –  Department of Administrative Reforms and Public Grievances

(e) DEITY – Department of Electronics and Information Technology

(f) MoCIT – Ministry of Communication and Information Technology

(g) NeGD – National e-Governance Division

(h) MMP – Mission Mode Projects

(i) NeGP – National e-Governance Plan

Que 34: Write the name of central initiatives for e-Governance.

Answer: Some of the Central Initiatives for e-Governance are

  • National e-Governance Plan (NeGP)
  • National e-Governance Division (NeGD)
  • e-Governance Infrastructure
  • Mission Mode Projects
  • Citizens Services
  • Business Services
  • Government Services
  • Projects and Initiatives
  • R&D in e-Governance

Que 35: Write the name of the area in which state governments have taken initiatives for e-Governance.

Answer: State governments have also taken the initiatives in the area of –

  • Agriculture
  • Commercial taxes
  • District employment exchange
  • Land records
  • Municipalities
  • Gram panchayats
  • Police
  • Road Transport
  • Treasuries, etc.

Que 36: Which website of India is known as the National Portal of India? [CBSE QP 2019]

Answer: www.india.gov.in

Que 37: What is the www.india.gov.in ? or What is the National Portal of India?

Answer: india.gov.in is the National Portal of India, which provides single window access to information and services being provided by the various Indian Government entities.

The content in this Portal is the result of a collaborative effort of various Indian government ministries and departments, at the central/state/district level.

This portal is a Mission Mode Project under the National E-Governance Plan, designed and maintained by the National Informatics Centre (NIC), DeitY, MoCIT, Government of India.

800+Questions XII Information Technology Code 802
Buy Chapter wise Question bank Class 12 Information Technology 802

800+Questions XII Information Technology Code 802

Que 38: Which website of India is known as the Government of India Web Directory?

Answer: www.goidirectory.nic.in

Que 39: What are the features of the Government of India Web Directory?

Answer: The www.goidirectory.nic.in is the Government of India Web Directory.

  • This portal is a one-point source to access all Indian Government websites at all levels and from all sectors.
  • It includes sites of different states and union territories of India , and sites of government departments like judiciary and legislature.
  • It also provides information about various sectors like education and agriculture.

Que 40: _____________ is the use of electronic i.e. information and communication technology (ICT) tools for governance by the government for the citizens

a. E Learning            b. e Commerce        c. E-Governance     d. E payment

Answer:  c. E-Governance

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