Que 101: Reeta is going to her aunt’s house to spend her vacations. To book her rail tickets online she needs to create new account on the reservation portal. Which of the following is NOT a correct step to do the same?
a. Sign up on the reservation portal.
b. Fill the registration form.
c. The fields marked with a star (*) are optional.
d. Click the submit button after filling the form.
Answer: c. The fields marked with a star (*) are optional.
Que 102: Read the following statements carefully about E-governance
i. It is the use of electronic tools for governance.
ii. It has decreased the transparency in the system.
iii. E-governance empowers the citizens socially and economically.
iv. It enables citizens to access information after paying money.
Choose the correct option from the following:
a. Both i and ii are correct
b. Both ii and iii are correct
c. Both i and iii are correct
d. Only iv is correct
Answer: c. Both i and ii are correct
Que 103: Rajat is compiling a detailed list with a clear description of application features of his project and recognizing the limitations that are placed on the project. Out of the given options choose the phase of the project in which Rajat is currently in:
a. Requirements Definition Phase
b. Testing Phase
c. Implementation Phase
d. Design Phase
Answer: a. Requirements Definition Phase
Que 104: Mr. Amit wants to go for a business trip. He is thinking of booking a flight. [CBSE SQP 22-23]
(a) Name any one site which he should browse for booking an air ticket.
(b) Give any one benefit of online reservation to Amit?
(c) What are the precautions to be followed while performing online transactions?
(d) Give any one advantage to the company providing online reservation?
Answer: (a) makemytrip.com (or any other reservation site)
(b) Convenient, time saving (or any other benefit)
(c) (i) Make a password complex like mix case, use numbers and special characters.
(ii) Be cautious not to leave passwords around. (or any other precaution)
(d) (i) Requires Less Staffing
(ii) No Spatial Restrictions
(or any other benefit)
Que 105: What do we mean by scope of a project? [CBSE SQP 22-23]
Answer: The focus is on “what” the application must do. Recognizing the limitations that are placed on the project.
Que 106: Roma is booking a railway ticket using an online ticketing website makemytrip.com. When she reached to catch the train she found that she left the ticket at her hotel. What should she do? [CBSE SQP 22-23]
(a) she can’t board the train
(b) she should book a new ticket at station
(c) she should go back and get the ticket
(d) She can download the e-ticket from the website.
Answer: (d) She can download the e-ticket from the website.
Que 107: Mention any two modes of payment during online shopping [CBSE SQP 22-23]
Answer: Different modes of payment are – credit card, debit card, Net Banking, Cash on Delivery or e-gift voucher. [Any two]
Que 108: This website provides high quality online courses for free, in collaboration with various universities across the globe. Which is this website? [CBSE SQP 22-23]
(a) coursera.org
(b) khan academy
(c) w3schools.org
(d) cbse.nic.in
Answer: (a) coursera.org
Que 109: The Phase of application development that involves creating a database and writing code is called___________. [CBSE SQP 22-23]
Answer: Implementation Phase
Que 110: This website includes sites of different states and union territories of India, sites of government departments like judiciary and legislature. Which is this website? [CBSE SQP 22-23]
(a) goidirectory.nic.in
(b) godirectory.nic.in
(c) indiagov.in
(d) india.gov.in
Answer: (a) goidirectory.nic.In
Que 111: Which website should we search for the list of NCERT e books? [CBSE SQP 22-23]
Answer: http://www.ncert.nic.in
Que 112: Name any one central initiatives for e-governance. [CBSE SQP 22-23]
Answer: NICNET – the national satellite-based computer network.
District Information System of the National Informatics Centre (DISNIC) program to computerize all district offices.
Que 113: Which of the following is not a characteristic of a project? [CBSE SQP 22-23]
(a) Project has a beginning and an end.
(b) The extent of the project is defined.
(c) Project has no boundaries.
(d) Project requires finite resources
Answer: (c) Project has no boundaries.
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