Unit 2 Operating Web important 100+ Question Answer Class 12 IT 802

Que 61:  What are coursera.org and edx.org?

Answer: coursera.org and edx.org provide high-quality online courses for free, in collaboration with various universities across the globe.

They aim to provide free online education through its partners worldwide. The courses include topics from humanities, science, and engineering including courses at the school level.

These sites provide verified certificates for several courses for a fee.

Que 62:  What is w3schools.com?

Answer: w3schools.com offers free tutorials in all web development technologies like HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, etc.

Que 63:  What is GCFLearnFree.org?

Answer: GCFLearnFree.org creates and provides quality, innovative online learning opportunities to anyone who wants to improve the technology, literacy, and math skills needed to be successful in both work and life. It has 750 different lessons provided absolutely free.

GCFLearnFree.org is a worldwide leader in online education.

800+Questions XII Information Technology Code 802
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800+Questions XII Information Technology Code 802

Que 64:  How can you get the benefits of the NCERT Portal?

Answer: NCERT portal that provides online learning resources in the form of e-books, journals, question papers, children’s books. You can visit

Que 65:  Write the name of the website which provides an online test facility.

Answer: There are so many websites that provide the facility to do an online test. Some are

Que 66: How students are benefitted from online learning? What are the various ways of online learning? Name 2 educational websites.  [CBSE SQP]

Answer: It provides freedom to the learner to learn at their convenient location, convenient time, and at their own pace of learning. Also, there is no discrimination of age, caste, gender, background, or qualification of the learner. The tutorials may be enriched with audio and video information, which makes learning more enjoyable and attractive. Also, tutorials and tests are available for almost all topics, sometimes in regional languages also.

Types of Online Learning

  • Video/slide tutorials where the video or slides of lectures are available. The learner can visit the site and view the tutorials.
  • Interactive tutorials require the user to follow the instructions, perform the desired action and get feedback.
  • Webinars are real-time lectures, where users participate in the lecture, may ask questions, and get their queries answered.

Examples are Khan academy, Udacity.org, courser.org

Que 67:  What is a Web application?

Answer: A web application is a program that is stored on a remote server. It is online and is delivered over the Internet through a web browser interface.

A web application may be of different kinds, like, a quiz, a game, or a bill calculator

Que 68:  What is Web-Based Application Development?

Answer: Web-based application development involves the process of developing web applications.

Que 69:  What do you mean by Project?

Answer: A project is a task that is undertaken to create a unique product, service, or result.

Que 70:  What are the key characteristics of a Project?

Answer: Key characteristics of a project are as follows:

  • A project has a beginning and an end. The extent of the project is defined. It has boundaries.
  • A project requires finite resources that are required to complete the project.
  • A project has a specific time frame. It has definite beginning and end dates.
  • A project is complete when its end objectives are achieved. The objective is specific and identifiable.

Que 71:  What is Project Management?

Answer: Project Management is the process of achieving the objectives of the project through a set of activities defined within the time frame, to produce the end result. It is the application of knowledge, skills, tools, and techniques to project activities to meet the project requirements.

Que 72:  What are the phases in a Web Application Project? [CBSE SQP}]

Answer: The process of development of web based applications is broadly categorized in four phases.

During the development process, one needs to follow the following four main phases of development:

1) Requirements Definition Phase

2) Design Phase

3) Implementation Phase

4) Testing Phase

Que 73:  What is the Planning and Monitoring phase?

Answer: Planning and Monitoring phase is required to be monitored during project execution. A project plan lists of activities. For each activity information useful for its monitoring is defined, like, duration, costs, schedule, resources required, and risk involved.

Que 74: Explain important phases of Web Application Development.  [CBSE SQP]

Answer: Important phased of Web Application Development are –     

1. Requirement Definition Phase: In this phase problem is identified for which the web application is to be developed. Identify the scope of the problem

2. Design Phase: The focus is on “how” the application is to be designed.

3. Implementation Phase: Create backend database, frontend and the connectivity between them.

4. Testing Phase: Test the complete application (Front-End and Back-End) with multiple sample sets of data.

Que 75: Finding of Bugs and Fixing them happens in ___________ .

a. Design Phase                              
b. Testing Phase     
c. Implementation Phase            
d. Requirement Definition Phase

Answer: b. Testing Phase

Que 76: ___________ Phase of Web Application development problem statement for which the web application is to be developed is identified.

a. Requirement      
b. Design      
c. Implementation            
d. Test

Answer: a. Requirement

Que 77: The Feasibility of web application is checked in which phase?

a. Design Phase                              
b. Testing Phase     
c. Implementation Phase            
d. Requirement Definition Phase

Answer: d. Requirement Definition Phase

Que 78: The Scope of web application is defined in which phase?

a. Design Phase                              
b. Testing Phase     
c. Implementation Phase            
d. Requirement Definition Phase

Answer: d. Requirement Definition Phase

Que 79: How many types of feasibility you have to checked under Requirement Definition Phase?

Answer: Two types feasibility need to check during the Requirement Definition Phase. These are

  • (a) Technical Feasibility and 
  • (b) Economical Feasibility

Que 80: Under which feasibility you can get the answer of Is it possible to do it?

Answer: Technical Feasibility

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