Electronic Spreadsheet Advanced Class 10 Information Technology
Session 2: Link Data and Spreadsheets
Important Questions Answer
1. What do you mean by link data and spreadsheet?
Answer: Link data and spreadsheets means linking the value of other cells or sheet’s cells into another cell. This can be done with the help of cell reference in the formula.
2. What are the advantages of linking data and spreadsheets?
Answer: Advantages of linking data and spreadsheets are: –
- Summarize data from several sources.
- Create formulas that span different sources and make calculations using a combination of local and linked information.
- Multiple sheets help keep information organized.
3. What is the need of using multiple sheets in a workbook?
Answer: Needs of Multiple Sheets in Worksheet are :-
- Multiple sheets help keep information organized in a workbook.
- Different data can be stored in separate sheets for better organization.
- It helps in linking the sheets easily and can be maintained easily.
- All information can be stored in the different sheets in a file.
4. When you open a new worksheet, how many sheets are there? Write their name.
Answer: By default, a Worksheet contains 3 sheets. Named Sheet1, Sheet2 and Sheet3.
5. Can you insert new sheets in a workbook? Write the steps for inserting new sheets in the spreadsheet.
Answer: Yes we can insert new sheets.
Inserting new sheets: –

- Do any one of the following, to Open Insert Sheet dialog.
- Select Insert > Sheet from the menu bar
- Right-click on tab and select Insert Sheet
- Click in an empty space at the end of the line of sheet tabs.
- Choose the position for the new sheet either Before current sheet or After current sheet
- Choose the New sheet and type number of sheet (By default it is 1).
Click OK to insert the sheets.
6. Write the steps for inserting new sheets from a file in the spreadsheet.
Answer: Inserting a sheet (copy of sheet) from a file:-
- Do any one of the following, to Open Insert Sheet dialog.
- Select Insert > Sheet from the menu bar
- Right-click on tab and select Insert Sheet
- Click in an empty space at the end of the line of sheet tabs.
- Choose the position for the new sheet either Before current sheet or After current sheet
- Choose the From File and Select the file through Browse button.
- Select the Sheet from the list of sheets.
- Select the checkbox Link if you want a live update otherwise leave it unchecked.
- Click OK to insert the sheets.
7. Write the steps for inserting new sheets from a file in the spreadsheet.
Answer: Inserting a sheet (copy of sheet) from a file:-
- Select Insert > Sheet from file from the menu bar
- Select the source file
- Insert sheet dialog box opens, follow the instructions accordingly.
- Click OK to insert the sheets.