Chapter 3 Templates and Table of Contents (Advanced Features) Writer IT 402 Book Solution

Unit 1: Digital Documentation (Advanced) using LibreOffice Writer

Chapter 3: Advanced Features of Writer (Templates, Table of Contents and Track Changes)

A. Multiple Choice Questions

1. Which of the following is NOT true about Table of Contents, Index or Bibliography dialog box?
(a) It has four tabs
(b) On the Type tab, by default, the checkbox for Protected against Manual Changes option will be selected.
(c) The Styles tab contains options to change the background colour.
(d) None of the above

Answer: (a) It has four tabs

2. Which of the following tabs is by default active when the Table of Contents, Entries or Bibliography dialog box is opened?
(a) Entries
(b) Background
(c) Styles
(d) Type

Answer: (d) Type

3. Which of the following tabs contains options to set styles for various entries in the ToC?
(a) Entries
(b) Background
(c) Styles
(d) Type

Answer: (c) Styles

4. Which of the following can be added in the background of Table of Contents in LibreOffice Writer?
(a) Color
(b) Graphic
(c) Both a and b
(d) Neither a nor b

Answer: (c) Both a and b

4. Which of the following is NOT true about templates?
(a) The styles and formatting features can be reused.
(b) LibreOffice provides online templates
(c) We cannot create our own templates.
(d) None of the above.

Answer: (c) We cannot create our own templates.

5. Which of the following is the shortcut key to open the Templates dialog box?
(a) Ctrl+Alt+N
(b) Shift+Ctrl+N
(c) Ctrl+Alt+T
(d) Shift+Alt+T

Answer: (c) Ctrl+Alt+T

6. Which of the following buttons, in the Templates dialog box, will be clicked to save a template displayed in the list of templates?
(a) Export
(b) Import
(c) Move
(d) None of the above

Answer: (b) Import

8. Which of the following is the shortcut key to select he entire document?
(a) Ctrl+S
(b) Ctrl+A
(c) Ctrl+D
(d) Ctrl+B

Answer: (b) Ctrl+A

9. Which of the following is the correct sequence of options to open the Templates dialog box?
(a) File > Manage Templates > Templates
(b) File > Templates > Manage Templates
(c) Insert > Templates >Manage Templates
(d) Insert > Manage Templates > Templates

Answer: (b) File > Templates > Manage Templates

10. Which of the following is true about Track Changes feature of Writer?
(a) You cannot record a change made in the document.
(b) A comment of a particular author only can be deleted
(c) Any change made to the document is permanent.
(d) None of the above

Answer: (d) None of the above

11. Which of the following menus contains the Track Changes option?
(a) File
(b) Edit
(c) View
(d) Insert

Answer: (b) Edit

12. Which of the following is the shortcut key to start recording the changes being made in the document?
(a) Ctrl+Shift+C
(b) Alt+Shift+C
(c) Ctrl+Alt+C
(d) Shift+C+F2

Answer: (a) Ctrl+Shift+C.

B. Fill in the blanks

1. To navigate to the topic from the ToC, press ______ key while clicking the mouse button on that topic.

Answer: Ctrl

2. To remove the applied paragraph styling in the ToC, select the outline level in the Levels list box, and then click the _____ button.

Answer: Default

3. If the checkbox for _________ option is selected, the ToC is protected from any accidental change.

Answer: Protected Against Manual Changes

4. To update the ToC manually, right click and select ______ option from the pop up menu.

Answer: Update Index

5. The _____________tab contains options to set the number of columns that we want to have in our ToC.

Answer: Columns

6. A ___________ is a preset layout that helps us to create professional and formal documents easily.

Answer: Template

7. The default template in Writer is ________.

Answer: Blank Document template

8. To find the template that is being used in the current document, select ________ option from the File menu.

Answer: Properties

9. The ________ button is clicked in Templates dialog box to view online templates.

Answer: Browse Online Templates

10. The ______ feature of Writer offers us an alternative method to keep a record of all the changes made in the original document.

Answer: Track Changes

11. The shortcut key to start recording the changes is _______.

Answer: Track Changes

12. After the Track Changes feature is ON, the added characters are shown as _______ text.

Answer: coloured

C. State whether the given statements are True or False.

1. The topics in the Table of Contents are hyperlinked.

Answer: True

2. The Table of Contents in LibreOffice Writer can be updated automatically.

Answer: False

3. TABLE of Contents can be inserted even if the section headings are not styled.

Answer: False

4. Once a ToC is created, it cannot be edited.

Answer: False

5. We cannot add a graphic as a background of ToC.

Answer: False

6. A single template can be used for multiple documents.

Answer: True

7. A template cannot contain graphics.

Answer: False

8. All documents in Writer are based up on templates.

Answer: True

9. The online templates cannot be added to the list of templates in the templates dialog box.

Answer: False

10. A template once created can be edited again and again.

Answer: True

11. The changes recorded have to be accepted by the original author.

Answer: False

12. We can delete the comments added in a document by the user.

Answer: True

D. Answer the following questions

1. What is the need of table of contents?

Answer: The table of contents provides the listing of the document’s contents. It helps in locating content and finding the page number of that content.

A table of contents is a snapshot of the entire document at any given point in time.

2. What will happen if the ‘Protected Against Manual Changes’ option is not selected in the Type tab of Table of Contents, Index or Bibliography dialog box?

Answer: Protected against Manual Changes protects the ToC from any accidental change. If this box is unchecked, then the contents of ToC can be changed directly on the document page, just like any other text on the document.

3. Name the five tabs present in the Table of Contents, Index or Bibliography dialog box.

Answer: The table of Contents, Index or Bibliography dialog box has five tabs. These are –

  1. Type
  2. Entries
  3. Styles
  4. Columns
  5. Background

4. What do you mean by customization of ToC?

Answer: Customization of ToC means changing or editing it as per requirements. To do so, Right-click anywhere on the ToC and select
Edit Index option from the popup menu.

During the Customization of ToC, you can change the Title text, Entries, Styles, Number of Columns, and Background of the Table of Contents.

5. How are headings and sub-headings of a document differentiated in ToC?

Answer: Heading styles play a vital role in the creation of a table of contents. The correct ToC will be generated only if proper paragraph styling for headings is applied to the document.

The headings and sub-headings of a document is differentiated with the help of the Headings level. Heading 1 means main heading, Heading 2 is the sub-heading of Heading 1, Heading 3 is the sub-heading of Heading 2, and so on.

6. Define a template.

Answer: A template is a preset layout that helps to create professional and/or formal documents easily. A template can contain all the features or objects that a regular document can contain – text, graphics, styles and can even use any language.

7. Give any one advantage of using a template for your document.

Answer: The advantages of using a template are

  • Formatting the object in all documents is easy.
  • Adding of content such as logo, heading, image, etc. is easy.
  • It makes uniformity in style.
  • Creating project report, resume, etc. becomes easy.

8. What is the difference between importing and exporting a template?

Answer: Importing template means copying the downloaded template to LibreOffice Writer so that it is visible in the list of templates in the Templates dialog box.

Exporting a template means storing the template file in the desired folder on our computer. Exporting template feature is used for sharing the templates with multiple users.

9. Name any two categories of templates.

Answer: Categories of Templates in LibreOffice Writer are-

10. When is exporting templates useful? Give any one reason.

Answer: Exporting of template is useful when we want to save the template on my local computer and share it with multiple users.

11. What is the difference between the Accept Track Change and Accept All Tracked Changes buttons?

Answer: Accept Track Change allows one to accept a selected change, while the Accept All Tracked Changes button is used to accept all changes in one go.

12. How do we prepare a document for review?

Answer: To prepare a document for review:

Select Edit > Track Changes > Record option.

OR, Select the Record button from the Track Changes toolbar.

To make sure that no user can disable the track changes option, we can protect the document with a password.

Select Edit > Track Changes > Protect option.


Click on Protect Track Changes button located on the Track Changes Toolbar.

13. Identify and label the Record button, Insert Comments button, Accept All Tracked Changes, and Reject Track Change buttons in the following figures of the Track Changes toolbar (shown in Fig).

Answer: Track Changes toolbar – Labelled diagram

14. Identify and label “Browse Online Templates button, Export button, Import button” in the following Templates dialog box. (shown in Fig).

Answer: Template Dialog Box-

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