Class 9 Employability Skills Unit 5 Green Skills 50+ Question Answer

50+ Questions with Answers
Unit 5 Green Skills

1. What is environment?

Answer : According to Collins’ English Dictionary, The environment consists of the particular natural surroundings in which we live or exist, considered in relation to their physical characteristics or weather conditions.

2. What comprises Environment?

Answer : We cannot imagine our lives without the environment around us.

Environment comprises:

Everything that surrounds us comprises Environment – Living beings, flora and fauna, non-living things, the vegetation, climate, natural resources.

3. How a Society constitute?

Answer : The society constitutes of group of people living together in a community, a village, a city, a town, a states or a country.

4. Does Society affects the environment?

Answer : Yes

5. How a Society related to the Environment?

Answer : Society and environment are interdependent and cannot exist in isolation. If a group of people believe that rivers are sacred, then all people start thinking the same. If a group of people believe that killing of animals is a heinous crime, the people in that community will reflect it in their behaviour shaping their relationship.

6. Give two examples of man-made disasters?

Answer : Global Warming, Climate Change.

7. What do you mean by man-made disasters?

Answer : The disasters, which occurs due to exploiting the natural resources, called Man-made disasters. For example:-Global Warming, Climate Change.

8. How natural disasters affect the society?

Answer : A disasters which happens due to nature like Earthquake, which directly impact on the economy, hence affecting the society.

9. What is Ecological Imbalance?

Answer : When a natural- or human-caused disturbance disrupts the natural balance of an ecosystem, called Ecological Imbalance.

10. What are the man-made disruption which causes ecological imbalance?

Answer : Following are the man-made disruption that causes ecological imbalance:-

(a) Deforestation,

(b) Degradation of Land and Soil Erosion,

(c) Overexploitation of Resources,

(d) Industrial and Atmospheric Pollution,

(e) Faulty Mining Practices.

11. What is Deforestation?

Answer : Deforestation means cutting of trees, due to increase in population the need for building houses has emerged.

To overcome this challenge more and more houses are built in hilly regions due to which trees are cut. Also, in order to maintain the life style a lot of forests have been cut.

12. What are the reasons for Deforestation?

Answer : Reasons for deforestation:

(a) to increase in population the need for building houses has emerged.

(b) to maintain the life style a lot of forests have been cut.

13. What are the effects of Deforestation?

Answer : With increasing deforestation,

(a) Problem related to climate change has risen in past few decades.

(b) Many species of birds and other animals are on verge of extinct due to changing climatic conditions.

(c) Also rise to problems like soil erosion and degrading quality of land.

14. What are the effects of Degradation of Land and Soil Erosion?

Answer : The poor quality of land and soil is resulting in

(a) rising health concerns for human beings.

(b) It is also leading to problems for herbivorous animals causing concerns of their extinction.

(c) Many animal species found in mountains are losing their habitat because of which their existence is becoming difficult.

15. What do you mean by overexploitation of resources?

Answer : Using of resources at the large extent is known as overexploitation of resources.

To satisfy our needs we are using the resource and sometime we are wasting the resources.

16. What are the effects of overexploitation of resources?

Answer : (a) Generating great tons of waste

(b) degradation of land in urban cities,

(c) pollution

(d) make life of future generation also difficult,

(e) difficult to breathe in fresh air due to wastage.

17. What are the effects of faulty mining practice?

Answer : (a) Degrading the quality of air

(b) Degradation of land

(c) Severe implication on human health.

18. What are the effects of Industrial Pollution?

Answer : The pollution caused by industries and factories called Industrial Pollution. It is also known as Atmospheric Pollution.

The effect of Industrial Pollution are:-

(a) Air pollution

(b) Water Pollution

(c) Land pollution

(d) implication on human health.

19. Write the name of five Natural Resources?

Answer : Five natural resources are :- (a) Air (b) Water (c) Soil (d) Forest (e) Energy

20. What do you mean by Natural Resources Conservation?

Answer : Natural Resources conservation means using the resources around us judiciously and without wasting them.

Conservation is the key to the world environmental problems.

21. What is Air Conservation?

Answer : Air Conservation means minimizing the release of toxins and green-house gases by the Industries, to conserve fresh air.

22. Write five ways to reduce air pollution.

Answer : Every individual can also contribute in preserving the quality of air by adopting environmental friendly ways.

  1. Using public transport or carpooling,
  2. Use of electric vehicles,
  3. Vehicles that run on natural gases rather than petrol or diesel,
  4. Pollution check and maintenance of vehicles at regular interval.
  5. Use green ways to renovate and construct buildings and houses

23. What is Water Conservation?

Answer : Water conservation is the practice of using water efficiently to reduce unnecessary water usage.

Conservation and management of water are essential for the survival of mankind, plants and animals.

24. How can you do Water Conservation?

Answer : Water conservation can be done in many ways:-

(a) Rain Water Harvesting Systems

(b) waste water treatment plants

(c) Judiciously using water in our day-to-day life

(d) using water aerators in taps

(e) Industrial wastes (effluents) should be treated to prevent chemical and thermal pollution of fresh water.

25. What do you mean by Land Conservation?

Answer : Conserving land means to act at two levels:-

(i) Promoting afforestation and discouraging deforestation for material benefit. This will help promote other life forms to survive and help to maintain balance in the eco system.

(ii) Improving the quality of soil, most of the health concerns today are due to poor quality of food.

26. What do you mean by Energy Conservation?

Answer : Conservation of Energy means to conserve non-renewable resources and use alternative sources of energy to meet our needs such as wind, solar, wave energy.

27. What are the advantages of using alternative sources of energy?

Answer : Alternative sources of energy are wind, solar, wave energy.

Using these means of energy will promote sustainable living and will ensure that other resources are available for future generation use.

28. What practices we all have to adopt to conserve energy?

Answer : The following practices we all have to adopt in our daily life to conserve energy.

(a) Using Air conditioner with doors closed,

(b) not keeping the door of refrigerator open for too long,

(c) keeping the lights and fans switched off while not in use,

(d) using public transport or carpooling

29. What is Green Economy?

Answer : Collins’ English Dictionary defines “Green Economy as Biological economy that is concerned with renewable energy, green buildings, clean transportation, water, waste and land management”.

30. What is Green Economy according to UNEP?

Answer : According to UNEP (United Nations Environment Program) a green economy is defined as low carbon, resource efficient and socially inclusive.

31. In a Green Economy who is responsible for employment and income?

Answer : In a green economy, growth in employment and income are driven by public and private investment into such economic activities, infrastructure and assets that allow reduced carbon emissions and pollution, enhanced energy and resource efficiency, and prevention of the loss of biodiversity and ecosystem services.

32. How Green economy helps in sustainable economic growth?

Answer : The Green Economy provides a macro-economic approach to sustainable economic growth with a central focus on investments, employment and skills.

33. What are the advantages of Green Economy?

Answer : (i) Green Economy will help maintaining resources for present use as well as for future generation.

(ii) Green Economy ensure that more employment and investment options are created to promote economic growth of the country.

(iii) A green economy will be future ready.

(iv) A green economy will observe less health concerns and promote healthy life style with use of best technology to grow.

34. Which types of economy is self-dependent and self-reliant?

Answer : Green Economy

Green Skills – Mind map

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