Class 9 Employability Skills Unit 1 Communication Skills Important Question Answer

Class 9 Employability Skills

Unit 1 – Communication Skills

Important Question Answer as Notes / Study Material

1. What is Communication?

Answer: Information by signs and signals speaking, writing or using some other medium and means is called communication.

2. What are the objectives of effective communication?

Answer: Objectives of Effective Communication are –

  • Sending, receiving and understanding the message or information.
  • Development of Interpersonal Skills
  • To express effectively & with maximum efficiency

3. What do you mean Communication Cycle or Communication Process?

Answer: Communication Cycle is the process by which a message is sent by one individual and it passes through a chain of recipients.

4. How do you measure the effectiveness of communication cycle?

Answer: The effectiveness of the communication cycle is measured by feedback received by the sender.

The timings and effectiveness of a communication cycle is based on how long it takes for feedback to be received by the initial sender

5. What are the main components/elements of the Communication Cycle? Briefly explain.

Answer: The main components of the communication cycle are –

(i) Sender (ii) Message (iii) Encoding (iv) Channel (v) Receiver (vi) Decoding, and (vii) Feedback

Components of Communication Cycle

(i) Sender: the person or entity originating the communication
(ii) Message: the information that the sender wishes to convey
(iii) Encoding: how the sender chooses to bring the message into a form appropriate for sending

(iv) Channel: the means by which the message is sent
(v) Receiver: the person or entity to whom the message is sent
(vi) Decoding: how the receiver interprets and understands the message
(vii) Feedback: the receiver’s response to the message

6. How many types of Communication Styles?

Answer: There are four main categories of Communication Styles.

(i) Verbal ,

(ii) Non-Verbal ,

(iii) Written and

(iv) Visual

7. How many types of Communication on the basis of Communication Channel and on the basis of Style and Purpose?

Answer: There are two types of Communication on the basis of Communication channels.

(i) Non – Verbal

(ii) Verbal

(a) Oral

(i) Face to Face

(ii) Distance

(b) Written

There are two types of Communication on the basis of Style and Purpose.

(i) Formal

(ii) Informal

8. What do you mean by Verbal Communication?

Answer: Verbal communication is the use of language to transfer information through speaking or sign language.

It is one of the most common types, often used during presentations, video conferences and phone calls, meetings and one-on-one conversations.

9. What is Non-Verbal Communication?

Answer: Nonverbal communication is the use of body language, gestures and facial expressions to convey information to others.

10. What is Visual Communication?

Answer: A communication where we are using the photographs, videos, art, drawings, sketches, charts and graphs to convey information are called Visual Communication.

Visual Communication is useful for different types of people. It is very interactive and impressive.

11. What is Written Communication?

Answer: The method of communication, where act of writing, typing or printing symbols like letters and numbers are used, called Written Communication.

It is a very authentic type of communication. It provides a record of information for reference.

Writing is commonly used to share information through books, pamphlets, blogs, letters, memos and more.

12. Emails and Chats are which type of communication?

Answer: Emails and chats are Written communication.

13. What are the advantages of Written Communication?

Answer: Following are the advantages of Written Communication-

(a) Permanent Record : helps to maintain a permanent record.

(b) Meticulous Presentation: People are very cautious to fulfil all the writing requisites to make the writing perceivable at the other end.

(c) Easy Circulation : can easily be circulated in an organisation.

(d) Suitable for Statistical Data : Very suitable for Statistical data, because it can not be present orally.

(e) Promotes Goodwill: helps to promote goodwill if performed wisely.

Class 9 Employability Skills

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