Information Technology Code 402 Class 10 Book Solution 
Welcome to the solution guide for Class 10 IT Code 402 under the new syllabus for 2024-25. This article presents comprehensive solutions for Class 10 IT Code 402. Given the recent changes made by CBSE to IT CODE 402, it’s crucial to access accurate study materials for your academic success. Here, we offer solutions tailored to Class 10 IT Code 402. Begin by reviewing the detailed notes provided, followed by the Questions and Answers section. This approach ensures a thorough and simplified understanding of each chapter.
In this post, you will get Complete Solution Part B – Subject Specific Skills as per the latest syllabus.
Subject Specific Skills
- Unit 1: Digital Documentation (Advanced) using LibreOffice Writer
- Unit 2: Electronic Spreadsheet (Advanced) using LibreOffice Calc
- Unit 3: Database Management System using LibreOffice Base
- Unit 4: Maintain Healthy, Safe, and Secure Working Environment
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