Class 10 Computer Application code 165 HTML Embed Audio and Video Question Answer

21. Which attribute of <embed> TAG is used to play audio automatically when a web page is loaded in the browser.

Answer: autostart . Example autostart = “true”

22. Embed a sound file “mycstutorial.mp3” using EMBED tag with automatically start feature.

Answer: The html code for above question is given below.

<head> <title> Embedding Audio file mycstutorial.mp3<./title> </head>
<embed src="mycstutorial.mp3" width=200 height=200 autostart=true loop = true />


21. What are the problems with <audio> tag.

Answer: Problems associated with the <audio> tag are –

(a) You must convert the audio files into different formats.

(b) The <audio> element does note work in older browsers.

22. Which audio formats are used in HTML5? What it is called generally.

Answer: Audio formats supported by HTML5 are .mp3, .m41, .AAC. It is generally known as H.264 format.

Video in HTML

23. Write the name of five video formats supported on web.

Answer: Video formats files supported on the web are

(a) ASF, (b) AVI (c) MPEG, (d) QuickTime (e) RealVideo

24. What is helper application?

Answer: The helper application, also called plug-in, helps in processing audio or video files on the browser. It helps the browser to interpret and present file.

25. In how many ways you can insert video files in HTML?

Answer: Video files in HTML pages, can be inserted in three ways:- (a) Linking to a video clip (b) Embedding video file using <EMBED> , (c) Embedding video file using <VIDEO> tag

26. In how many ways you can insert video files in HTML?

Answer: Video files in HTML pages, can be inserted in three ways:-

(a) Linking to a video clip

(b) Embedding video file using <EMBED> ,

(c) Embedding video file using <VIDEO> tag

27. How can you link a video clip in HTML? Give example.

Answer: To link a video clip, use <A> anchor tag.

Linking Video Clip <br>
<A HREF = "MYCSTUTORIAL.MP4"> Click to play Video </A>

28. How can you embed a video clip in HTML using <EMBED>?

Answer: <EMBED> tag is used to embed a video clip in HTML.


<EMBED SRC=”url of video file” WIDTH = value HEIGHT=value AUTOSTART = true/false LOOP= true/false />

29. Write an HTML code to embed a video clip using <EMBED>.


Embedding Video Clip <br>

30. How can you embed a video clip in HTML using <VIDEO>?

Answer: <VIDEO> tag is used to embed a video clip in HTML. <VIDEO> tag is an HTML5 tag. <VIDEO> tag is having addtional <SOURCE> tag to specify the url.


<VIDEO SRC=”url of video file” CONTROLS = “controls” AUTOPLAY = true/false LOOP= true/false >

<SOURCE src=”url” type=”video type”/>


31. Write an HTML code to embed a video clip using <VIDEO> tag.


Embedding Video Clip using VIDEO tag<br>
<VIDEO CONTROLS = "controls" AUTOSTART = "ture" LOOP = "true" >


32. Write three MIME types for video formats?

Answer: MIME types for video formats are – (a) video/mp4 (b) video/ogg (c) video/webm

Class 10 Computer Application 165 HTML – II Question Answers

Unit 1 Networking

Class 10 Computer Application 165 HTML – I Multiple Choice Questions [ HTML MCQ’s ]

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