Unit 4 Web Applications and Security Class 10 Info Tech 402 (IT) NCERT Solution

Class 10 Info Tech Code [402] Web Applications and Security NCERT Solution



1. Explain the purpose of Internet Security.

Answer: Internet security is a branch of computer security specifically related to the Internet, often involving browser security but also network security.

Its main objective and purpose is to establish rules and measures to use against attacks over the Internet.

2. Explain different kinds of online threats.

Answer: Different kinds of online threats are (a) Phishing, (b) Email spoofing (c) Chat spoofing (d) Denial of Service (e) Malware

3. Explain the need to clear data stored in browsers.

Answer: When you visit websites, it tries to store some information on your computer, known as cookies.

Though cookies are meant for storing data based on your activity performed during your earlier visit such as logon details, details of a shopping cart, visited pages on a website, etc. they could also be tracked by unauthorized users and possibly gain access to your personal information.

That’s why it is required to clear browser cookies frequently.

4. Explain any five tips to manage strong passwords.

Answer: General guidelines for managing strong passwords:-

(i) Keep the length of the password at least 12-14 characters if permitted.
(ii) Avoid keeping passwords based on repetition, dictionary words, letter or number sequences, usernames, relative or pet names, etc.
(iii) Including numbers, and symbols in passwords if allowed.
(iv) Use capital and lower-case letters.
(v) Avoid using the same password for multiple sites or purposes.
(vi) Avoid using something that the public or workmates know you strongly like or dislike.
(vii) Use random password generators if possible..

5. Explain any four best practices to secure data.

Answer: Four best practices to secure data are –

(a) Use encryption software: Use encryption software to protect data from unauthorized users.

(b) Keeping username and password private: Never save your username and password on a shared computer. Avoid saving username and password when the browser asks you to save.

(c) Registering with websites: Always read the privacy statement or policy whenever you register with a website, to check how they will share your data.

(d) Don’t share personal information: Do not share your personal information on any website, this can be used by unauthorized users to send you fake or unwanted emails.

6. Explain use of Antivirus and Anti Spyware.

Answer: Computers are prone to attacks from software known as Malware that could harm your computer.

Malware track browsing behavior or transmit personal data from your computer; programs such as keyloggers could be installed on your computer track and transmit every key that is pressed on a keyboard (keystrokes) to unauthorized users.

Antivirus and Antispyware programs also offer real-time protection by monitoring your computer for any changes by malware software. Keep your Antivirus and Antispyware software always up to date, this can help in protecting your computer from recent threats.

Class 10 Info Tech Code [402] Web Applications and Security NCERT Solution



1. Enlist any three basic safety rules to follow at the workplace.

Answer: Three basic safety rules to follow at the workplace are

(a) Fire safety, (b) Falls and slips, (c) Electrical safety, (d) Use of first aid.

2. Give any two basic safety rules for ensuring Falls and Slips safety.

Answer: Basic safety rules for ensuring Falls and Slips safety are :

(i) Keep the moving area clean and clutter-free.

(ii) Workplace must be properly ventilated to receive light.

(iii) Wear non-slippery footwear.

(iv) Floors must be clean and dry

(v) Oil spills, and dust must be immediately cleaned.

3. Give any two electrical safety rules in any organization.

Answer: Electrical safety rules in any organization are:-

(i) Electrical equipment used should be approved by a recognized organization.

(ii) Workers should be trained to handle the electric equipment safely.

(iii) Damaged and hazardous electrical equipment should be immediately replaced.

(iv) All old and workout and frayed switches and wires should be changed.

(v) Heat emanating equipment should be kept away from the electrical equipment.

(vi) Take care that the outlets/ circuits should not be overloaded.

(vii) Switch off and unplug the electrical appliances before cleaning or relocating them.

4. Explain any two first aid rules.

Answer: First aid rules are:-

(i) Assure the injured to remain calm and not panic

(ii) Keep them warm if they are under shock

(iii) Do not move the victim in case of back/neck injury

5. What do you mean by occupational hazards?

Answer: An occupational hazard is the illness one may acquire due to his occupation.

Like people working in a chemical factory may get affected due to the presence of certain chemicals.

6. List any three types of occupational hazards.

Answer: Some types of occupational hazards are :

Physical hazards, chemical hazards, biological hazards, behavioral hazards, radiological hazards, ergonomic hazards, etc.

Class 10 Info Tech Code [402] Web Applications and Security NCERT Solution

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