Unit 4 Web Applications and Security Class 10 Info Tech 402 (IT) NCERT Solution



1. Explain the terms accident and emergency.

Answer: Accident: An accident is an unplanned event that may happen all of a sudden and may lead to unwanted or unprecedented results/outcomes.

It can be defined as an unfortunate incident that occurs unintentionally causing hazardous results or injury or unwanted results.

Emergency: Any unexpected situation that needs immediate attention and action.

An emergency situation might pose a sudden risk to life, property health, etc., and needs intervention to prevent deteriorating results/ hazards.

An emergency must be handled immediately to prevent further losses and minimize the loss. One must be alert to notice any kind of emergency.

2. Enlist any four types of accidents.

Answer: Types of Accidents:

Accidents may be of the following types :

  • Accidents at the workplace: Slips and fall accidents, fire
  • Industrial disease/illness
  • Road traffic accidents
  • Clinical Accidents
  • Sports-related accidents

3. Give any three situations of emergency that require evacuation.

Answer: Types of emergencies that require evacuation are:

(i) Fire (ii) Explosion (iii) Floods (iv) Earthquake (v) Hurricane (vi) Tornado (vii) Toxic material release (viii) Civil disturbance (ix) Workplace violence

4. Give any two ways to handle accidents.

Answer: Accidents must be handled carefully. The accident should be handled compassionately without assigning blame to others.

  • Every organization must follow SOP for accident handling
  • Safety measures must be placed to prevent workplace accidents
  • Immediately call the medical team for any injury
  • Stay alert
  • Pay attention to and follow emergency drills

Class 10 Info Tech Code [402] Web Applications and Security NCERT Solution



1. An organization can face some health hazards that could put the lives of the employees in danger.

2. Hazards can be of different types depending on the and the environment in which the employees work.

3. Organization must have a designated assembly point for emergencies

4. List any three types of hazards.

Answer: (i) Physical (ii) Chemical (iii) Biological
(iv) Mechanical

5. Give a checklist for workstations to minimize the hazards.

Answer: Checklist for Workstations

The workstation should:

(i) provide sufficient space for the user to alter position comfortably.
(ii) provide adequate lighting.
(iii) have windows fitted with adjustable coverings to alter the sunlight level.
(iv) be spacious enough when a workstation is shared by more than one person.

6. Explain the term ‘ Evacuation Policy’.

Answer: Evacuation is the process of emptying a place in case of an emergency, or disaster. Every organization must have an evacuation policy.

An evacuation policy is a policy that tells us how to evacuate the place in case of any emergency or disaster.

All the Team Leaders are responsible for informing about the policy to their employees about it. Proper.

7. Explain Buddy System to implement evacuation efficiently in case of emergency.

Answer: A ‘buddy system’ for individuals with special needs or disabilities must be designated.

This system ensures that differently-abled are assisted and guided out of the premises or the impacted area properly.

If you are a buddy to someone, ensure that your buddy is safe at the assembly point with you.

8. Explain the terms Floor Plans and Assembly /areas.

Answer: Floor plans with evacuation routes in work areas. Ensure that you understand these so you can use them in time of need.

9. Describe the importance of periodic evacuation drills.

Answer: Periodic evacuation drills helps in executing the evacuation of a place properly and safely in case of an emergency, or disaster.

In organization/workplace periodic evacuation drills should be conducted.

Ensure that you pay attention during these drills.

You need to save your life and you can be helpful in saving someone else’s life too.

10. Explain the importance of a healthy lifestyle.

Answer: A healthy lifestyle helps to keep and improve people’s health and well-being.

Healthy living has a lasting impact on an individual which ultimately yields a healthy environment at home as well as at the workplace. a happy and healthy worker will always perform best of his ability.

‘A healthy body has a healthy mind’ – a very popular saying is true.

11. Give any four points of a healthy lifestyle.

Answer: A healthy lifestyle includes :

  • healthy eating habits
  • physical activities
  • stress management
  • healthy mind
  • sound sleep
  • goal setting

A healthy lifestyle takes needs practice, commitment, and sincere efforts.

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Unit 3 : RDBMS (Database Management System Basic)

Unit 4: Web Application and Security

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